Saturday 29 October 2016

I see it, I see you

I see the pain in your eyes. The pain that you try so hard to hide. I see it and I see you but you don't because it has clouded your judgement and has made you believe that everything in life is a competition. Everything in you races to win and must win if not you look for ways to bring others down.

I see bullies, I see you all. Making life a living hell for others just to feel good. You are not mad at the world, you are mad at how you have presented yourself to it. I see you when you think no one is watching how you hide and cry then put on the show you have learnt through the years to save face.

I see you fame cravers. Just because you have had a light bulb moment you assume everyone knows your name. You have to keep up appearances so you do the unthinkable to those blind enough to manipulate. I see you and I will deny you the one thing you crave the most... recognition.

I see you ordinary Joe and Jane. I applaud your silence but no one will ever appreciate your skills if all you do is hide your potential in the name of its not the right time. Tell me when has it ever been the right time?

I have a gift. I see and so I will see the greatness on your behalf but I can't act on it. I see and I try to understand but I can't make you see what I see so you see its not really up to me. I am only responsible for what I see because then am feeding my mind directly and indirectly with positivity,  possibility and probability.

I choose to see because I have already created a need deep within me. Finally I got an answer to "How do you do it?" Easy I see. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean am foolish enough to give up on something others can't see. When you see every part of your body sees. So when you lose sight of it, you don't lose touch of it. That little sparkle of having seen keeps the fire alive of becoming your dream.

What do you see when you look at yourself? I see and that is my #RealityCheck

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Wednesday Thoughts

Let me start off by saying that I have a strong dislike for "men" who think they can sleep their way to the top. Correct me if am wrong but doesn't that make you a male whore?  It's sad enough that some women have to sell their bodies to survive while others do it for fun but when a grown ass man uses women to land afew contacts of people who know people that's when I step in and blog.

To think that someone went out of their way for you to get an education or so I assume and this is all you have to show for? Are you kidding me? So many people are out there fighting for their lives this being a cancer awareness month and this sorry excuse for a man is busy causing unnecessary drama between women just because he doesn't have the courage to fix his mess of a life.

The first time I saw him I knew what he was all about without him even saying a word. Everyday he proved me right and now am tired of his cheap show. Don't get me wrong, it was hilarious at first but the thing with independent and ambitious women is, we are easily bored. Frankly speaking the imaginary talk I had in my head everytime I saw him left me in chuckles . I made myself laugh sheepishly if I may add.

Such "men" have time to chase women but not careers. They use the same pick up lines but not enough charm to increase the amount on their payroll. They hip and hop from job to job like grasshoppers but never stop to think that maybe it's not about the grass being greener but that they need to evolve.

If you don't like your job then quit and do something else with your life but don't walk around expecting favors or the world to reward your laziness. I said it and I will say it again, get off your high horse and earn the title being a man.

Goodnight checkmates.