Tuesday 21 February 2017

I Am Willing 2017

I don't want to come off as important but my readers are important to me and although I don't know any of you personally or maybe I do, you deserve my undivided attention whenever I get the chance to blog. Happy New Year Checkmates. We have been granted yet another year to get things done, mend broken relationships,  forgive, make mistakes and learn from them , have new beginnings but above all LOVE.

I intended to blog earlier, I even saved a draft and had a juicy story in my head but I knew the right words rather blog would come to me. It reminds me of everyday life. You know what you want and even how to get it but have you ever felt like the timing was not right? I had to hold myself back just to be sure that when I write and someone reads this tonight they will have faith and a little hope to hold on.

I don't have resolutions or maybe I do and am secretly in denial *laughs* but  I have discovered that my zodiac is very interesting. I am an aquarius woman and boy have I had a good laugh discovering and rediscovering things about myself . It's not for everyone but if you ever have a bad day or just lost please do your inner you a favour and Google your zodiac and thank me later on.

My theme for this year is simple, I Am Willing.  As long as God is in it baibee am the lady for the job. Please step aside. As long as my heart is in it best believe that am in it to win. As long as I have faith it's possible. As long as I have hope I am willing to wait.

Tonight, am willing to slow down and admire the stars. It's such a beautiful night to be someone's #RealityCheck right? Gotta go *wink* 
