Wednesday 19 April 2017

Beautiful Lesson

It's not like I don't like writing but having multiple personalities and quite the imagination I tend to drift away from what I truly want to write. It doesn't have to be perfect but it does have to be perfect or else I will just walk away or give up. I am not only talking about writing but all the important decisions I have to make in my personal life. If am going to be inspired it has to be more than just a set of make-belive words. I have to feel and relive every emotion as though as I am pouring out my heart and soul but only I can see the real me.

Yesterday was not a good day neither was it a bad one but today made me realise that it was an eye opener. The worst thing that happens everytime I am inspired by two hearts beating for one another is having to put up walls when in actual sense am an open book. The vulnerable side that I have had to protect for years is out in the open. When asked if am okay, I won't smile and walk away like I am but I will stop and confess that as a matter of fact am having a terrible , no a horrible day.

We all talk of how God works in mysterious ways until it happens to you. By that I mean when you find yourself in a fix. How is it that when you just delegate a simple task for the very first time you ask for a helping hand God uses that to teach you a beautiful Lesson?He watches you lovingly knowing come tomorrow you will have to work on the same thing all over again but this time it will be a tougher day and He will see you through. When he says He will bless the work of your hands He literally means that. Not unless you show me that you want it bad enough and not have someone else be involved in the process of you almost going out of your mind, He will cause the people on the other side to harden their hearts and say no. That's what happens sometimes. God will push and not allow you to use the very same way(s) any other ordinary human being(s) uses.

If you are going to be different, it's bound to be difficult but most importantly, you will have to go, wait and stretch yourself out. Damn, need I add that's my #RealityCheck.