Wednesday 28 June 2017

Birthday Truth AKA the 28th

Am not known for my sophisticated choice of words.  Please, am not even known *laughs* so don't even bother searching Google or stalking me. I have already disappointed you I know and that's how I like my checkmates with no expectations. Now that your mind is blank may I please have your attention to an open heartfelt observation.

I will keep it short and straightforward. What is happening to society and by society I mean to our ladies? A lady asked me if I still believed in love but what surprised me is when I lowered my voice in a calm tone almost a whisper sure with a twinkle of sarcasm but genuine concern answered her with questions, "Why? Who hurt you?" We had a heart to heart conversation afterwards and am glad she left inspired.

Screw the biological clock and other illusions we feed our minds regarding life. It will unfold at the right time. Ladies don't sell yourselves short by allowing the insecurities of the wrong men to create doubt if you are indeed the right lady to bag his last name. You already have a last name so I assure you him allowing you use his won't make it finally snow in Kenya although it might open afew prestigious doors and lifestyle but that won't stop God from blessing silly old plain you. 

Understand there is no perfect relationship. You MUST BE WILLING to work and SACRIFICE to make it close to becoming picture perfect. As a lady you must know who you are , what you want , what you are capable of and if you will fight for it. If he finds you intimidating then clearly that is a red flag. Sure he can afford you thanks to bank loans and afew saccos here and there but for how long can he put on the act?  The issue at hand my dear brother from another mother is not affordability but maintainability. See before you self declared yourself  to be all Clark Kent in my business , Lois Lane had a life and identity no matter how small so before it goes to your head and you assume that The Lord wants you to call forth these dry bones take a step back and ask yourself is she really Ruth , Esther or Jezebel? Who needs to be restored, crowned queen or dismissed? 

Ladies and gentlemen who hurt you and why are you carrying that bitterness around as if it's a lifetime achievement dismissing everyone around you? I get it, not everyone is meant to be in your life but she or he is not everyone. Take my advice ~ Unless I have upset you please check your attitude at door ..... This will open doors which you have been closing on your own thinking everyone is out to get you. Better yet, change your circle if not what you go for. Try something different see how that works for you.

I am a fool when it comes to love and yes I still believe in love and not just love but true love. If it means sitting out a settling trend then let fate be. Otherwise this is my #RealityCheck as far as tonight goes .... only God knows of my tomorrow so until then just like any discussion, what say you?  Pleasant dreams or should I say decisions ....*evil laughter*