Thursday 21 September 2017

Whensday........ When Is That Day?

I don't know why I am always procrastinating but am leaning more towards the not yet rather than tomorrow. It has to be perfect yet there is no such thing as perfection. Think about it, your it's done could easily be someone else's view of how lazy you are. Let's be real after all this happens to be my #RealityCheck I believe even I postpone "while in the moment" because of fear. Failing is not an option. The reality of life not adding up , people falling short of your expectations and having to disappoint yourself is one step from going completely bonkers. It has to mean something. It has to add up when you do it. I mean come on! It must ..... Right!? Such questions raising doubt are the very same ones we use as excuses keeping us from moving on.

That is why most people date the same person for over five years with no love or attraction but the thought of starting over and loosing the "normal comfort" mastered routine is unthinkable. Atleast he/she knows the real me and has learnt to put up with it over the years. He/she knows better than to expect me to officiate leave alone define our relationship... why do we need to prove to people and waste money while we already have a good thing going ... He/She knows my grandfather was polygamous so they better not act like they are the only ones in this relationship...... He/She knows I don't have a plan b. If I loose my job that will be a deal breaker but I will see how I will manage us rather He/She can sustain us with their salary but we both know am not getting/applying/starting another business/job.

Are you where you thought you would be years ago? If not what changed? The ultimate price of being human means you have to sacrifice. On that note though, when will you start living for yourself and not circumstances? What had to happen already came to pass let's not dwell on that ship but what about NOW? What do you want to do right now? Is it illegal or are the consequences too overwhelming to even allow such thoughts to cross your mind? We applaud your selflessness but let me ask you this simple question seeing as  the year is almost over, what's that one thing you whispered rather promised your heart you would do this year? Has it quenched your thirst or are you now hungry for more? [Insert Name], when did you stop dreaming, believing, hoping, fighting and become bitter, reluctant, apologetic for wanting the best for yourself? Since when did the real you stop living and start surviving on settling for whatever comes your way?

Procrastination...... you silent thief! Wednesday or should I say WHENSDAY.... When Is That Day!?