Tuesday 24 July 2018

July Tease

Baibee am a lover not a fighter but the only time we will ever fight will be in between the sheets. When you turn me I will toss me. You strike me like the kind of man who speaks a foreign language when angry yet the squeeze me hard when excited. I have never been here before . I am typing hoping that this finally registers to your mind that am your type.

I am a product of love so be sure I cannot make this passion up. I know my body acts like it is not interested but the conversation my eyes have with your heart is enough to speak world peace and bring restoration to mankind. See our kind of love is the envy of stars . We don't need the moon all we need is a room ...... On second thought we would light it up with flames of forbidden chemistry and spiritual oneness not to mention sexual healing......

People ask me why am single. The truth is I have been waiting for someone to awaken the silent voices and give meaning to inspiration. I am not vulnerable I am sure. I am not comfortable I am eagerly anticipating the day our souls will have a conversation again. Who knows maybe this time we will dance as our hearts provide the music and our deep breaths will guide our hands. 

Everyone wants the success story of how you got that big break but am different. Refreshingly different *smile* . I want the story of how the process left you feeling vulnerable  so much so that you were willing to give up but you didn't. Why? What made you hold on? What motivated you to fight alittle more? Who?

Whatever makes you happy do it. I am not out here chasing you, am only submitting to my heart. Anyone can handle your good side but I want to fall inlove with your dark side. The one you keep telling yourself that it is your best kept secret. If I can understand you at your worst then baibee I can applaud you at your best but until then I need your soul to trust my heart.

Tonight darling, tonight am all about you because you are not only my enchanting truth but my #RealityCheck.