Monday 12 November 2018

I can but I won't #NOvember

I am a product whore...... I will purchase the most expensive product because  (common sense ) Expensive is cheap to maintain then if I don't get the desired results in two days or one week, am out. I have committment issues until I get the one that has it all.

I know am not the only one. From my face to the rest of my body I have experimented with different products more than five times in a month. So, does that mean I have a hard time staying faithful? Honestly speaking yes and no.

The one that has it all as far as men go he has to have most of the qualities. If a man can't engage me in a conversation I then I don't know what this creature has to offer me. It better not be the same old boring routine like how are you, how was your day? I don't need a man who thinks rather one who knows what he wants. The most I can give a man is my phone number the rest I just let him figure it out. You are the man after all right, then show me!

I am an Aquarius for those of you wondering so everything you have read regarding my kind could be true or false. All I can tell you is the more you get to know me in person, the more attached and protective of me you will become. I am just stating facts. The hardest part is not me being picky but rather you keeping me interested. I sound like a job now don't I *laughing sheepishly*

Ladies and gentlemen don't just go with the flow, have and state your standards because I can but I won't.  And that is my #RealityCheck. 

Lovely day checkmates