Friday 22 March 2019


I just got hit with the you have changed talk. You are calm, younger, healthier and happier. Don't mind if I  take in all these compliments . Again, I can't help but smile.  Are you sure you are not on drugs? Or broke up with your boyfriend because you are different? I understand what I am being told yet deep down I can't stop giggling. This was one of my resolutions this year. When you are one with your soul, you get to experience a certain level of superpower called still. Psalms 46:10  read that beautiful scripture. The son of bigfoot (movie) when his father taught him how to slow down thats when it came to him. I love animation movies though most of my family members don't understand why? Hopefully, my future husband will if not we might as well start signing those divorce papers now.

I am the happiest I have ever been this year. Thanks to so many things I have had to stop , improve on and tap into. I am still learning and looking forward to so much more if not better. Situations whereby before I would go apeshit, I have learnt the art of ignore. Truly ignorance is bliss. The only thing I am troubling myself with is, why am I doing this? Is it a want, need or luxury? On a scale of importance, how do I prioritise this?

This year, just slow down because everything you though you needed to get through life, has always been inside you but you have been chasing the wind instead of listening to it. Stay alive, love and whatever it is don't forget to make the most of every opportunity. Live each day as it comes and try as much as you can to listen to yourself.

When you stop chasing it, it stops running away. Oh, what you want rest assured is also out there wanting you back.  What you give is what you get. We serve a good and mighty God like that. You might have good intentions but that doesn't make you a good person, at the same time, most of you might come off a certain way though with questionable tendacies.

I am not here to advise anyone just stating my current #RealityCheck

Saturday 2 March 2019

Much in March

Oh the world is not ready for March. The golden possibilities that will unfold this month leaves my mind blown to such an extent I feel like going mad. Basically,  it's everything I have been talking about exceeding my expectations. I can't explain but this much I know, March is not for everyone.

It's an eye opening month. Some of you will experience the good from far but far from good moments while few of you will be taken aback by the simplicity infront of you which will turn out to be the very thing you needed to take the next step in your lives and the rest of you will have a homer simpson moment; you won't get it!

I can't explain but it will happen all too quick.

March will be one #RealityCheck no one saw coming