Tuesday 7 January 2020

Year Of Royalty

Happy new year checkmates!!!!

This is it. This is where it all unfolds. It's the beginning of a new decade so let's all take a minute and write down our vision boards. You know how they say everything you want is on the other side of fear, that's not what's holding me back. Honestly speaking, what is holding me back is money.

I can save my entire life and still not afford anything on my vision board. I am currently in Kenya I mean, where else do you expect to find me? Every good acceptance speech, I have learnt, starts with a sense of humor and the truth. I don't hate my life, I just refuse to accept my financial status. So this year, am moving forward from God will provide to James 4:2 . I am going to be very specific. See where I am at *Kenya* is not where I intend to be throughout this year God willing. As comfortable as the KSH or KES Kenyan Shilling is, am craving international currencies.

My birthday falls on the brokest month on the entire calendar. Wow! Am all fired up 😂😂😂.... hip hip hooray. Story of mylife!!!! Seriously ladies and gentlemen am being sarcastic .... It comes with being an aquarius 😆.  Now, this is how you know you have hit fuck it financially, when you can't afford shit!!! You find yourself going all, oh well next time or I really don't need that. Ofcourse you do! Everyone does. There is no such words as too expensive. These are words, sentences and phrases we immediately need to exempt from our minds and mouths in 2020.

Listen, this is how you turn broke talk to better: I can afford it but it's not a big deal if I don't  ..... 2020 attitude

Moving forward, that's what we need to keep rather I will tell myself this #YearOfRoyalty . See no evil, speak no evil and evil will not affect your life. This is a different year. I spent the last decade working on myself. I covered it all bitterness, anger, frustration,  negativity , loneliness you name it. Now am here. I am present to live a pleasant life to God, myself and those embarking on the same moving forward process.

It's hard, that's why I am the lady for the job. If it were easier, it wouldn't make this much difference. This is the year of being assertive. Why do you go to school? To learn. Why do you learn? To apply it in reality. It's the year of three (3) . Some of you are in school a.k.a new to all this , majority are learning a.k.a trying to figure life and themselves out ,very few are applying the acquired skills because they are busy comparing or competing with those in school or those that are learning. They have lost their identity being everywhere trying to be like everyone else they see or meet along the way. The rest are living life. Making the very best of what they have and what is brought their way. 

Yesterday is gone. I only know of today while I am hopeful for a bigger, brighter and better tomorrow. One reading this would disagree in the sense of you can't live your life being happy. Sweetheart, when you have spent nearly all your life being knocked down and breaking away from disappointments in life the only other option is happiness.

This year, teach yourself to accept a helping hand. Teach yourself to laugh again, see the magic in life the way you once did, to accept heartfelt or no apologies and be fine with it. Teach yourself to love again.

Don't change who you are just because the world around you is falling apart. It takes more bravery to be a sheep than it is to be a Wolf. 

This is January a.k.a my birthday month and this happens to be #MyMagazineThoughts or in a familiar language my #RealityCheck