Monday 17 February 2020

You know where to find me

If you are looking for your bestfriend, baibee you know where to find me.
If you are looking for honesty, I will be cruel but you know where to find me.
If you are looking for answers, seek God and He will show you where to find me.
If you are looking for true love, look inside you and your heart will know where to find me.
If you are looking for encouragement, you definitely know to find me.
If you are ever in doubt or stuck on what to do next, you know where to find me.
If you ever need reminder of who you are, you know where to find me.
If you know with everything in you am all you want and need, you know where to find me.
If you are ever afraid or insecure nothing else will ever matter because you know where to find me as I have experience of being a bestfriend, honesty , found answers seeking God, true love, encouragement,  I have been in don't and stuck on what to do next, I will constantly remind you, knowing everything in you am all you want and need to silence the fears and insecurities.

What am trying to say is, there can never be me without a you.

You know where to find me #MyMagazineThoughts