Wednesday 29 July 2020

That's the rule of life

When it comes to dudes I know all they are after are three things. Money, power and women. But when it comes to a gentleman’s club all I see are two things ; fear and women. They already have the money and power that comes with it.

I live by this rule: I ain’t shit but am shit.

That’s why it’s important to me to know a man’s story. I don’t want to walk around fooling myself am shit but in actual sense, am not. At the same time, don’t get it twisted in assuming you are shit because of your experiences when to me you ain’t shit.

That’s the rule of life.

That’s why there will always be someone prettier, smarter and let’s not forget less than smart. It’s important for me to know the kind of woman a man goes for because it will tell me why.

Ladies are quick to dismiss others in this silly manner. You are not a threat. Oh please her, girl bye. See I may not look like you which I thank God am not but in taking my time to try and figure this man out, I know what he really likes.

Physicality has never been my specialty. I genuinely don’t care about looks. That’s why when majority are chasing brands, am out here trying to figure out what makes this particular man tick.

I hate surprises but I love being proved wrong. Atleast that way, if I don’t understand a situation perhaps I can predict the outcome. I hate walking into anything blindly.

Gentlemen fear being caught off guard. See in dating the same type of woman, it’s easier to mange and protect themselves. It makes it easier for them to still retain the power and the money. That way, they don’t have to chase, they just have to introduce themselves and from there, things will align themselves. Am I wrong?

That’s all true I assume from my observation but the fear comes in when unfamiliar presents itself. As a man he is born to conquer. But this is different territory. She doesn’t look or act the same as what he is used to. She becomes a challenge which he gladly takes on as if it doesn’t work out, hey, there is always enough room to sneak off and get with familiar.

I always advise men this when it comes to ladies. It’s never what it seems. Some are good from far but far from good. Just because you are not willing to make and take time to understand it, don’t dismiss it.Good things or opportunities aren’t everywhere in the open. Don’t use old tricks to conquer new territory.

People are out here for themselves. Loyalty is expensive. You hardly ever hear people putting in a good word for you. Greed may have outweighed kindness but not taken it out. Am modern yet very old fashioned. I don’t act or try to put on an act to come off a certain way.

I don’t see what everyone else sees by putting it out there on social media. I see deeper and further. Am not attracted to what’s already out there, am into the dissatisfaction in your eyes. The uncertainty and curiosity but more so, am attracted to the fear you are projecting. That tells me, there is room for someone like me.

Those right there are #MyMagazineThoughts

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Rare Things in life

Happy new month Bachelors and bachelorettes. I wish you the rare things in life like hugs and kisses. Not all at the same time but then again I mean why not. To a love filled month. Don’t just give it, expect it then embrace it. From my madness to yours mwah 😚

This is it. This is the month to go for it. It’s time to chase it down like it’s all you have been living for. Don’t just settle for a hi or a phone number schedule a date. Push yourself to better. There is nothing wrong with okay but this month strive for more. Get it done ✅

I am all about #MyMagazineThoughts