Tuesday 3 October 2017

It's never that serious

The hunger and thirst for fame, recognition and followership is real. Why can't you be your own person? Surgery is meant for disfigured individuals and not to enhance beauty. Let's be clear. That's abuse of knowledge if not invention. Unless it's broken please don't try and fix it. No matter how wealthy self made you have become or God has blessed you, you can never buy immortality. Let that sink in.

The extremes majority of us have had to go through to look and live a certain way is sheer stupidity. Can I be real after all, this happens to be my #RealityCheck . How desperate was I? Was I mad? Do these questions sound familiar at this particular time in your life? Congratulations! You have finally given up on what is expected of you and embraced what works for you. You sir /ma'am are now your own person.

If it works out well and good if not venture into something else which excites you even more. At the end if the day, it's never that serious why coz time and life either way has to go on whether you are ready or not. It's that simple so let's not complicate things. You either like someone or you don't. Enough with the am not sure talk ..... mr/miss string along until better shows up. While you are busy postponing now to later you are only opening yourself up to becoming bitter not better. The best memories in life are never planned so why are trying you tame your heart to societies lame hurts.

You are what you have been waiting for so wake up child, live, laugh and love as though it's the first time God has granted you sight. Are you there yet, heck screw it. You are here now and that's all that matters. Take a leap of faith, oh I dare you!!!!!

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