Thursday 22 February 2018


I don't want to blog so that means I must. Why is it that am only inspired to blog on Thursdays? The long drive home always gers me thinking. To those of you who assume I am too honest wait until the get into my head. Well that was lame. Look, it has been a long, sunny day. I am tired yet am trying to prove a point to myself. I better dream with Mr wonderful after this. Again, I am not self impressed.

Is it that I have unrealistic self set standards or no man will offer to "weekend bag me?" The thoughts have crossed my mind several times until tonight I decided am going to do something about it. Blog ofcourse. Wait, what did you have in mind? Are you kidding me? There I go again with my morals.

I have had this observatory talk with my bestfriend and she always tells me the reason why she would never be that kind of lady not that it's a bad thing but because she simply fears God. Personally, I have never met a man worthy of the consequences good or bad. Honestly do I get offers yes but would I ever consider any of the men who try and throw in a steal of a hilarious moment no.

If the man I am attracted to was not as established as he is would I still be interested? Truthfully,  no. The reason why ladies are either looking for their fathers or brothers in life partners is SECURITY. As a lady you shouldn't have to ask for it, it's common sense. It comes with the package right? Listen, am no love leave alone relationship therapist so go figure out what you want then go for it. But don't settle too soon just for the sake of what it readily available people.

I blame the legible bachelors out there making these single, vunrable ladies move in too fast. I mean how dare you! I can only imagine he already has a well paying job, owns a car hopefully not a Toyota 😂😅😆 a decent vehicle ...I will blog about my kind of machine later on not now *Bugatti* and all the men left the room 😄 Where was I (back in the village .....See what I did there) oh yes a motor vehicle and lives in a serviced apartment. You pick her up after having worked on her hygiene thoroughly, buy dinner and drinks on your way and then when you arrive it's business as usual. 

Can you imagine spending a night with someone you have nothing in common with leave alone an entire weekend. Goodness gracious that is torturous. Why would you do that to yourself? So you listen to music on your way, have small talk with sexual tention building up, the ackward laughter followed by the long sighs, the eye to lips stare and bite game like can we just get this over and done with already. That's quarter the night. On arriving ladies, his house exceeds your expectations. Him being well put together got you interested but now his accomplishments are a sign. Girl!!!!!!....... He is the one.

Gentlemen, if you know that God had blessed you with so much material earthly riches don't even think of introducing a lady to your life leave alone your lifestyle. She wasn't born obsessed you fed and made her believe she already owned half if not all of it. Don't do it bothers don't do it. Act broke. See if she will show up or step up. Until then let this be #TheEnchantingTruth. Goodnight checkmates.

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