Sunday 26 August 2018

Different People

When someone tells you that they are different, please believe them. You can be in a room full of people and still feel alone. You can be raised in a loving home and still grow up feeling unloved. Challenges of being different makes others question how you view life because they will never see the bigger picture.

Most normal people are afraid of failure. Different people embrace failure and use it as motivation to better themselves. When you change your questions from who to what you will understand that the only person you need to convince is yourself. It is not about life rejecting or hurting me but rather just how bad do I need it in my life in order for me to commit.

Love brings out another side in every one of us. Good or bad I really don't know but this much am sure. I don't know anyone else the way I know myself. It is not what you won't do , it is what I won't put up with. People who are different don't take the term/word us in relationships seriously. By us it usually means  I, Me and Myself. I am not worried about you, am worried about me.

Different people will only stop the day there is no longer magic and they will end up viewing you just like everyone else or even worse ie the enemy. Don't ever stop being special in the eyes of a different person because then they will resent you and everything else you represent. 

Different people will never hide who they truly are to stroke your ego. They are open minded and very opinionated. If they have nothing polite to say they will simply smile or walk away avoiding eye contact. That is a dangerous sign because what it means is that they have you all figured out.  Different people lack in areas they can't explain because their minds know beyond what their eyes see. Different people seek things that are beyond normal because that is their #RealityCheck.

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