Tuesday 27 August 2019

Saturday Series

Everyone deserves the kind of relationship my parents have. I have watched The Notebook time and again but in my humble opinion I believe my parents have figured and conquered true love. In a world where majority of the people are working smart and not hard, this blog will only speak to old fashioned souls.

I have had my share of Google to research on relationships but it only leaves my mind more confused and heart convinced that am all alone in this. I am in this world but I am not of this world. My body is here physically but I can't tell you want goes on in real life. I am here but I am not there.

I tend to overworry sometimes which is wrong. My work is to enjoy the life I am blessed with each passing day. Whatever happens tomorrow will happen but not today or this very minute. That's where most of us brilliant human beings especially ladies go wrong. How we allow past disappointments draw us to this insane conclusion, "It won't work out". With such an approach and negativity ofcourse it won't.  So I will be the first to admit I have been wrong for doing everything I am supposed to do right yet walking with doubt in my mind. My heart knows the truth, it always has but my mind is tired of having to keep believe it will work out someday.

Someday huh!?

Why not today?

Simple, just because you have rather get a dream, you just don't go to sleep and wake up the next day the CEO. You need training and experience and guidance to get you there. So to my soulmate out there, today I woke up missing you. I ate, drunk and if I had extra I would go shopping. I don't know what tomorrow holds who knows I could wake up not liking you or replacing you with some available eye candy 😆. My point is, until the day whatever magic that lies deep within us together happens, I will still have rehearsed conversations, be sarcastic and sadly wait for you.  It's sad because I don't know where I should go wait (laughing hysterically).

All I know is that it will feel like a Saturday Series when we meet. It's like we have know each other our entire lives and we are just catching up and somehow magically, it's no longer a wait but a reality. We will be each others #RealityCheck

Wednesday 21 August 2019

So Much

I have been deliberately not blogging. Now that I finished reading #LetLoveHaveTheLastWord Commons book, I have come to this conclusion, whatever I set my mind on, I can and will accomplish. I really wanted to take my time with it. Would I have finished reading it in a day or say two hours, sure, but since it meant something to him, I wanted it to mean something to me. True enough as I read on, I pictured myself, someone I cared about and above all the truth. My truth. 

I won't lie and say I have changed yet perhaps I have become worse but this much I will acknowledge, if I come across something that needs to be changed, I will act on it accordingly with silence, words and actions.

I am learning on how to be present and be very alert at this particular moment. Not everything bad is bad. What's the lesson behind each passing day, week, month or year? What's my attitude with and without it? Would I like me if I wasn't me? Who and what am I attracting in my life? Do I stay and try and improve or do I graciously bow out of it.

This is not even a #RealityCheck because so much awaits me