Tuesday 10 December 2019

Believe it, see it, become it

Halo December

I will briefly express my thoughts. What you term as beautiful especially when it comes to social media is what I define as basic. I am a supernatural species that is on this Earth but not of it.

In the wise words of Oprah Winfrey ~I know what is for you will come to you.

My life is not meant for anyone alive to understand but I am alive to serve a higher purpose other than to live, love and enjoy life.

Your work is not to figure out your life. Your work is to simply ask God ~ Steve Harvey

What comes to you naturally? Perhaps that could be your gift all along. And to think you were busy celebrating others so much so that you lost sight of your own.

That's what social media is making us believe indirectly. Since he or she is doing it so well, why should I bother with my own gift? As long as you wake up each day, have the same passion you had for it the following year, until you unwrap your gift it will forever be in your mind hidden but never forgotten.

Happy holidays checkmates.

Some of you don't need any more material gifts to unwrap this December,  you just need to pay attention to the voice inside you and unwrap the gift you keep postponing just because it looks the same with someone else's. Sure, theirs might get money back or a million likes or buzz worthy attention, perhaps if you start paying attention to yours you will discover there us more deep inside you that you have been dismissing just because it is different.

Don't compare your starting point with someone else's end game. That's where we all go wrong. It might take a day, a month , a year or ten years!!!!! Hey, that's the #RealityCheck of life. Don't be afraid to pursue yourself tirelessly.

Until the next blog, remember, it is your gift that will ensure you fulfill your vision. Believe it,  see it, become it.

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