Tuesday 24 May 2016

My evening thoughts

I have a million and one thoughts running through my mind and I can't help but smile . Men are curious beings and watching them stare at women even this late in the dark you have got to ask yourself how they do it. They are the ultimate thirst lords who will never be quenched or satisfied sadly. Some will secretly want more while the rest openly roam around in search for more if not better.

As a lady I could easily conclude that these men are crazy about me but in actual sense I know what's running through their minds. So I won't sit here and lie to myself that I am "all that and a bag of chips" . Some are bored out of their mind , others frustrated , to afew I remind them of a version of who the one he is with used to be , to one or two am a reality check that good women still exist and to the rest am just a vision of self pleasure.

Easy come easy go so ladies don't be a seasonal thought to any man. Aspire to be the only one who leaves him speechless. Men are easily fascinated and easily bored. Don't be summer when what he needs is winter. Beauty cracks but character like fine wine makes the heart of a king Merry.

And that is my #RealityCheck

Sunday 22 May 2016

Sunday May...

It's rather a cold Sunday. The sun is shy but you can feel the possibility of a good day ahead. Some are in church , warm in bed nursing a previous wild night out and others doing right by society "putting on a show to save face, in meaningless relationships and dead marriages".

Someone somewhere believe it or not wishes they had your life.  Not literally but what you secretly don't want. Life is not up for trade but isn't it funny how seasons can change people? How one minute you can have it all and the next regret how you wasted time on things and people who you can't stand.

Talking about it to a friend helps, drinking to forget helps , compromising helps but it's all for a while. As I write I sure hope someone somewhere gets a little ray of sunshine in their cold routine of a life.

And that is my #RealityCheck.

Monday 16 May 2016

Just a different package

Halo Monday.  So tell me something, what happens when you get what you want but in just a different package?  Do you accept it or walk away.

Ladies,what do you do when you get the man you have always wanted and does almost everything you imagined though he is not what you want. He knows exactly what, how and when to say and do what you secretly crave for without having to ask him yet sadly in an ungrateful way, you are not into him?

Gentlemen, when she meets your every desire yet somehow makes your fantasies a reality and even makes you want to give her your name but somehow she comes in a different package.  She would be the complete *It Girl* if only she was taller, shorter,  lighter,  darker, add weight, loose weight, had more curves, had less curves ...

When did we stop being human beings and start playing "God"? Truth be told there is nothing wrong with her/him however, you are still stuck on the past. Why do we always feel the need to compare when we can ran with Right Now? Don't get me wrong am not judging you. I understand what you want but correct me if am wrong didn't you just have what you wanted and now life is presenting you with what you truly need. How would you feel if someone said,"You have what it takes but honestly speaking you are just a different package." You would walk away feeling not good enough for not only them but everyone else after.

So this month of possibilities,  May life present you with what you need and not what you want. And that is my #RealityCheck.