Sunday 22 May 2016

Sunday May...

It's rather a cold Sunday. The sun is shy but you can feel the possibility of a good day ahead. Some are in church , warm in bed nursing a previous wild night out and others doing right by society "putting on a show to save face, in meaningless relationships and dead marriages".

Someone somewhere believe it or not wishes they had your life.  Not literally but what you secretly don't want. Life is not up for trade but isn't it funny how seasons can change people? How one minute you can have it all and the next regret how you wasted time on things and people who you can't stand.

Talking about it to a friend helps, drinking to forget helps , compromising helps but it's all for a while. As I write I sure hope someone somewhere gets a little ray of sunshine in their cold routine of a life.

And that is my #RealityCheck.

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