Tuesday 28 June 2016

Wednesday wonders

Good morning checkmates. Have you ever woken up inlove? You are single but you can almost swear that you are inlove? You are broke but you know somehow it will all work itself out? You have nothing to show for but that doesn't seem to get you down enough to throw yourself a pity party? You are hurt broken but deep down you know that your king is out there and somehow when the time is right he will walk up to you and your self made "madness" for having waited and believed will start to make sense?

Listen, no amount in your bank account will ever motivate you to dream bigger. Sometimes not having the entire package is a blessing in disguise. It keeps you on your toes. It reminds me of the song it's not right but it's okay.

This morning for no apparent reason I am inlove with God. In the eyes of men I am nowhere but through God's eyes baibee you can't handle the truth. Forgive me if I am not the jealous type because I admit she is beautiful but I am extraordinary. Some don't understand me and many can't keep up and I am more than okay with that.

So you see, I have every reason to be inlove with God and that is my #RealityCheck

Tuesday Night

June has been well June and by that I mean it has been cold. With every bad weather we all know there is bound to be sunshine later on so June please do your worst * am sorry ... please be gentle*. I can already feel the rays even when the sky is grey.

The month when being single is annoying. Comfort is key. Extra pair of socks, a trench coat , warm blankets , hot cup of tea and positivity. If you are lucky enough to steal afew kisses that should last you until next time if there is a next time. It's every woman for herself and those strong enough to fight the urge of 'giving in' see it as it really is just a cold month and not an excuse to do what you secretly want but too scared to ask or rather go for it.

And that is my #RealityCheck. Keep warm checkmates

Saturday 4 June 2016

Saturday Thoughts

Unless you are not human,  we have all hit rock bottom at one point in our lives especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We have all loved some more than others but we all know what it feels like to want someone. But have you ever needed someone to love you back , life to look/add up so desperately? Ladies he doesn't have to have much in his bank account or the usual TDH  (Tall, Dark and Handsome) but that damn I need me a man moment! Gentlemen she doesn't have to have curves or know her way around the kitchen but all you care about is how she makes you feel alive like the only man in the entire planet!

I believe that is why slowly society is embracing *sponsorship*. Young girls are opting to be in relationships with older men the age of their fathers to fill the void of perhaps having being raised by a single mother or grandparents. They just want to feel safe. Ladies my age don't want to date men their age or the old fashioned two to five years age difference.  They want to settle with men ten to twenty years age difference because a man in that age group knows exactly  what he wants. Gentlemen, take notes this is what most ladies are suffering from.

It's sad and way too early for us to want to live off people's success and seasons instead of creating and patiently waiting for our turn. Oh well looks like am alone in this but don't get me wrong I am lonely but not alone. Am not hitch, doctor love or a PIMP whisperer so ladies don't ask me where the good men are  *laughing sheepishly* . If you want to be an old man's lover be that and if you want to date an older woman just to excuse yourself from being a man and have to get a job ,boy do you. Just don't expect me to sympathise when you run in circles or expect me to join the trend. Trendy lifestyles are not for everyone and the day you will learn your dance life and everyone else will respect your art because you will have mastered it to perfection. And that is my #RealityCheck.  Good day #Checkmates 👑