Tuesday 28 June 2016

Tuesday Night

June has been well June and by that I mean it has been cold. With every bad weather we all know there is bound to be sunshine later on so June please do your worst * am sorry ... please be gentle*. I can already feel the rays even when the sky is grey.

The month when being single is annoying. Comfort is key. Extra pair of socks, a trench coat , warm blankets , hot cup of tea and positivity. If you are lucky enough to steal afew kisses that should last you until next time if there is a next time. It's every woman for herself and those strong enough to fight the urge of 'giving in' see it as it really is just a cold month and not an excuse to do what you secretly want but too scared to ask or rather go for it.

And that is my #RealityCheck. Keep warm checkmates

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