Thursday 11 August 2016

The Investors Anthem

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to my late night blog show aka my #RealityCheck.  Tonight it's all about the Investor Anthem. Since everyone and by everyone I mean majority of the men are convinced we ladies want to get with older men who are living out their bucket list. Listen, no broke man has a bucket list rather they live out on dreams so by now you know the so called "sponsors" have billions if not millions in their bank accounts. I think some of the ladies have taken these commercials way too far by living out the "If I don't who will?"

Personally am all about the Investors. I don't mind you taking my dreams and turning them into a reality. Investors are realistic and will withdraw at the thought of making losses. From an investors point of view it has to be a win win situation so this kind of man will do anything to bring your walls down and get you attached emotionally. Gentlemen you are welcome. I just gave you the gate pass to get her to commit by tapping into her emotions.

Sponsors please take notes. As soon as you take her home she is already playing out the conversation that is about to go down with her investor. He is what she wants but sadly he is not at the peak of his career. Investors are like the modern day Boris Kodjoe. Sorry gentlemen that's English for every lady wants him. It's the games we play this kind of investor that matters. No matter how fine or good a lady is, the investor has the final say. That is what intrigues me about investors. They always see it coming and by it I mean the bullshit/act/cheap drama. Investors always do their research and take their time. I am an investor or is it investee so I know what am talking about.

You are who you attract and am not talking about victims of molestation I mean it in relationship/maturity terms. How often do you date? How long have they lasted? What's your role in the relationship? Where do you go out on dates and how many of your friends approve of this relationship? Are you better, bitter, wild or calm when with him/her and what's your real mood when they are not around? Like I said you are either being invested on or out right living it loud in the sponsorship cruise.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

10th August Wednesday thoughts

Until I get my own radio late night relationship show this blog will do for now. Ever since I was a little girl ladies believe it or not I never wanted to get married. Not really. I don't have part of my life figured out. I don't know where or what I will have it done rather all I have ever been curious about is who will have my heart. All I asked God was that whoever he is, please let him not be short because I am not wearing slippers on my wedding day just to get that I now pronounce you husband and wife part. I am a tomboy but I love my high heels not gaga although funny story my bestfriend always laughs at the fact that I owned some gaga like heels. What ,it was back in the day and everyone was doing it and by everyone I mean me. Fine I had identity crisis * laughing quietly to myself like damn girl*

Sometimes it takes new love to get over a toxic relationships. Other times it takes courage with a sparkle of answered prayers through that one good friend to get you out of what could have been. This is not what I signed up for isn't that what most of you say? Personally this is what God had designed for me. It took his grace, loving kindness and mercy to get me through different phases and difficult seasons. I am not tough , I just had to be tough to make it out alive.   I knew this day would come where I felt my presence mattered and that I belonged.

Somewhere deep down I know who was meant to be reads my blogs not religiously but finds me amusing and amazingly hilarious. His friends don't get it or me but he does and am okay with that. When they meet me they will understand why he would fall for someone he hasen't spent ages with. When it's right, it unfolds all on its own. So to all the bestfriends out there I being one of them trying to hook people up because all our intentions are good, just you and even I being there is enough. We want the world for that one person who has been there and just like God sent you them, he is generous enough to hand make a masterpiece spouse for them.

Why does it take so long? It's easy now I can answer that because some of us don't need to lean on a man/woman to be complete. We need to accomplish on our own first then we can share what we have already earned and gained with them and the rest of the world. If you want it bad enough you must be willing to go the extra mile ...wrong relationships and afew lonely nights. Take a hot long bath, a glass of wine or mug of coffee/tea whatever works for you and carry on. The night is still young and that is my #RealityCheck.

Enjoy checkmates!

Tuesday 9 August 2016


You don't have to be alone to be lonely. You could be in the presence of who you think you always wanted and still feel like crap. Have you ever been with someone who made you question why you are with them in the first place? That what do I see in you or what are we doing thinking out loud moment? It's like I always tell my bestfriend you just don't wake up one day then go insane.

Not tonight Bruno Mars. ..its not me and my liquor store blues.....and am not feeling you either John  Legend..... best you've ever had .... Am feeling Mariah Carey.... and then a hero comes along because as I blog this I know the lonely girl in me knows I have enough strength to carry the both of us. Don't wait for people to encourage you when they have all sorts of baggages  weighing them down so what you do is figure out a way to pull yourself up and maybe someone somewhere instead of taking a selfie #broken #beatdown #laylow *giggles* will learn that it's normal to feel defeated but it's not wise to advertise your weakness because you never know who is watching or rather out to get you. Your pain or loneliness is not your weakness but the fact that you haven't mastered what to share with society and keep private earns you the title ALONE even though deep down you are just lonely . And that is my #RealityCheck