Tuesday 27 September 2016

Not Just Yet

When you take time off your 'normal' routine, you get clarity. I am a strong believer in if you are going to go for it then don't hold back. Don't you dare have second thoughts! I don't know about other ladies or women and I don't speak on anyone's behalf other than I, Me and Myself but I easily loose interest and am blaming it on having both an imaginative and creative mind. Before you utter a word my mind is already made up. Having multiple personalities I always give people what to expect instead of who I am.


We all know by now that God doesn't run things our way so your timing is not his timing meaning what you consider a "this is it moment" to God is a Not Just Yet. By eighteen it's common sense that you should clear highschool. Next you know which University and what you should major in. You should be twenty five by now working and dating a man with similar accomplishments. By twenty six that man should propose and before the year ends have a grand wedding one that gets the tabloids talking, villagers salivating and friends/enemies eating their hearts out. Right!? You must be thirty and you are working on your masters or PHD and you run your own company, happily married with the it children living the dream ..... until you wake up


You have been in and out of jobs not sure if by the end of this year you will have kept your first real one considering rumour has it you are about to be fired and you barely survive on commissions. Let's not even talk about your age. Let's just say if we were to look up the meaning of unfair your name would come up. As of dating its not like no one wants you but rather no one has ever asked. You are not a bad person if anything you are the selfless kind. You have just worked behind the scenes.


The truth is some of you have already made it in life. That doesn't give you the right to look down on others. Most of you are still struggling with identity crisis and want the status so bad that you are willing to compromise you morals to get ahead. Afew of you are old fashioned and aren't struggling though you are working towards your goals while enjoying what life has to offer *this life has people who succeeded at an early age, those accomplishing now and those yet to achieve later on at forty or fifty*


I am scared for the people who became successful at a young age because most of them have already abused that blessing but at the same time my heart breaks for today's millionaires simply because majority of them are the ones taking advantage of teenagers with daddy issues, broken homes and poverty to try and compensate lifestyles and lust.


Have you ever been told that you are good BUT SOMEONE ELSE WOULD BE LUCKY TO HAVE YOU? You are too good to be true then the next minute they ask where are all the good men/women at? First of all, who broke your heart and why are you taking it out on the wrong person?
Bitterness is a disease so stop spreading it and go heal. We all suffer from foolishness sometimes and we take it out on the wrong people but never intentionally but unless your shenanigans has nothing to do with me, keep me out of it.


Be careful how you treat people because life has different seasons. When you are at the peak of your career put God first and stay humble. Seek wisdom not recognition. 


This is not a pharmacy and these are not instructions on how to apply or live by no this is my #RealityCheck where am simply asking you to PLEASE, DON'T DISMISS ME, NOT JUST YET.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Tea, Coffee or Reality

When everyone else sees it but you don't understand why.  Good morning checkmates. The #RealityCheck is secretly you know what everyone else is talking about but you just don't want to admit it. I read that people who have been single for too long are the hardest to love. Now don't get me wrong I agree with it one hundred percent but people who have been hurt and broken are the hardest to love.

Speaking from experience being single for too long makes you know what you want. I will even go a step further and say people who have kissed dating goodbye are the same people who always keep it real. We don't know how to sugar coat bullshit if am being honest. We are so comfortable in our skins that we expect the rest of the world to keep up. We don't have maybe inbetween yes and no. Time is what we have and time is what we lack. See my kind has already understood but let me explain. If we like you we will give you our undivided attention and even invest but if we have no intention of being associated with you, we will not lead you on.

The reality is you don't even have to try because it comes naturally. Common sense is not so common especially to people living in denial. When you don't understand what others see in someone you like or yourself relax and don't over think things. All you need to know is there is something special there. So don't be quick to dismiss it or yourself. Meanwhile life has to go on.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Tease Testimony day

Today I woke up knowing what I wanted. I wrote myself a note and I prayed about it. Other days am always about others like Lord let me make a difference in someone's life. Today it was all about me. Atleast that is what I thought.

I have come to realise that everytime am having a low moment, God uses that to challenge me further. When am so sure that I will get my breakthrough I end up empty handed and that is when God shows up and expects more from me. Am already used to it by now so if you have happen to be reading this and feel like God has got you breaking walls for others then you are not alone. You are my kind of people.

Long story short I teased myself to believing that love would softly caress my cheeks only for my mouth to utter words of encouragement, comfort and blessings to this unknowing soul. Have you ever met someone who needed the blessing more than you. Like today was a do or die moment of truth for them and that God would use your emptiness to bring such joy and life into their lives?

I left the house expectant and now am going back full. Love indeed whispered to my soul and I pray I made God proud. And that is my #RealityCheck