Tuesday 6 September 2016

Tease Testimony day

Today I woke up knowing what I wanted. I wrote myself a note and I prayed about it. Other days am always about others like Lord let me make a difference in someone's life. Today it was all about me. Atleast that is what I thought.

I have come to realise that everytime am having a low moment, God uses that to challenge me further. When am so sure that I will get my breakthrough I end up empty handed and that is when God shows up and expects more from me. Am already used to it by now so if you have happen to be reading this and feel like God has got you breaking walls for others then you are not alone. You are my kind of people.

Long story short I teased myself to believing that love would softly caress my cheeks only for my mouth to utter words of encouragement, comfort and blessings to this unknowing soul. Have you ever met someone who needed the blessing more than you. Like today was a do or die moment of truth for them and that God would use your emptiness to bring such joy and life into their lives?

I left the house expectant and now am going back full. Love indeed whispered to my soul and I pray I made God proud. And that is my #RealityCheck

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