Sunday 11 September 2016

Tea, Coffee or Reality

When everyone else sees it but you don't understand why.  Good morning checkmates. The #RealityCheck is secretly you know what everyone else is talking about but you just don't want to admit it. I read that people who have been single for too long are the hardest to love. Now don't get me wrong I agree with it one hundred percent but people who have been hurt and broken are the hardest to love.

Speaking from experience being single for too long makes you know what you want. I will even go a step further and say people who have kissed dating goodbye are the same people who always keep it real. We don't know how to sugar coat bullshit if am being honest. We are so comfortable in our skins that we expect the rest of the world to keep up. We don't have maybe inbetween yes and no. Time is what we have and time is what we lack. See my kind has already understood but let me explain. If we like you we will give you our undivided attention and even invest but if we have no intention of being associated with you, we will not lead you on.

The reality is you don't even have to try because it comes naturally. Common sense is not so common especially to people living in denial. When you don't understand what others see in someone you like or yourself relax and don't over think things. All you need to know is there is something special there. So don't be quick to dismiss it or yourself. Meanwhile life has to go on.

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