Saturday 31 December 2016

2016 summary

As we bid 2016 goodbye let me start off by thanking God for being God over this great nation and an amazing father to me. He has watched me make mistakes and so lovingly corrected me. He has listened to my cries, prayers and shenanigans. He has been patient and so gently guided my paths. His will was done. For every heartbreak, pain and loss dear God I thank you. For each new day,  gain and win Father I humbly thank you.

I would like to thank my bestfriend for keeping a #RealityCheck on me regardless of whether I needed to hear it or not. Girl, you rock as always. I would like to thank my family for being crazy because without you I would not have a voice or an opinion. I would like to thank the people I met along the way and have become good friends and thank those strong enough to leave mylife with lessons to take with me as I journey through.

2016 was my year as I have testified and will live to testify. Damn it feels so good to have a breakthrough when you have been broken down for a while. I got answers to my questions. My biggest accomplishment was not getting a paycheck although I worked hard for it but it was God restoring me. When God came through for me when I needed him before, during,  then and even now, He answered.

I apologise if I didn't live up to societies expectations but it wasn't about my status or what I brought to the table rather it was about what God was bringing to my table. He prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies. When you experience God's presence baby you stop complaining and you start explaining to those going through the same or worse situations that God has got this. He has your back.

I have learnt that when you let God fight your battles, darling He leaves you speechlessly inlove.
When your life is silent, God is talking on your behalf. When you sit, God stands up to your mountains and commands them to move. When you humble yourself , He honors you. When you are loyal to your faith in God, He does marvellous wonders.

My wait has paid off in ways the naked human eyes cannot see. I have been rewarded with peace , joy and happiness that makes me understand that I have never been alone. God never left my side, I was just in a hurry to get the promises He made me.

True victory is when you meet with those who hurt you and still show them love and walk away smiling. It shows it stopped being about them and about who you became when they left.

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