Wednesday 7 December 2016

I Can Only Hope

I would text and tell you that I miss you but then I would only end up disappointed if you didn't text back. By now you must be used to my cheap act and secretly as annoying as it is I pray it's a turn on ... I can only hope. 

Don't think that I don't pay attention. I act busy truth be told but we both know am one hard working lady but sometimes I just use work as an excuse to not be disappointed. Am married to my work, I don't have time to date , am just figuring things out, am at the peak of my career , next month, next year , I will make time I promise. Those are some of the excuses I have used and still use as well as so many independent ladies out there. 

When you read this, you will assume it's you or someone else. Maybe, maybe not. You do try sometimes and others times if am being honest you come off as blind as a bat. I know of ladies who can share this blog because somehow its everything they always wanted to air but wondered how. We all work so hard to provide and have just enough to give back but Christmas or rather the festive season has a way of making us go and admit to things we don't often talk about. 

We are all scared of being vulnerable enough to say rather ask for what we really want. No one wants rejection so no one is willing to take a leap of faith into the unknown. This Christmas I wish all my readers the courage to walk away from what if and start walking towards what is. May God grant you enough strength to receive as much as you give. It's not selfish to expect or love when others are hurting. For those of you putting your lives on hold, life is about experiencing and making mistakes and learning from them. 

To everyone who has made an effort to change in a positive way, someone sees it even though they might not walk right up to you and applaud you. To those who have closed their hearts from pain and loving again, you can't unteach the heart what it already knows. To those terrified of change, a day like this last year you said the same thing but if we check your records we'll let's not even go there. 

Life is short because we assume there is always going to be tomorrow or another chance to live , makes things right or progress. Let's start shedding happy tears celebrating each other's success. Above all let's get our priorities straight by putting God first in our lives and allowing his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptations but deliver us from evil. 

Dear Heart, "Are you happy and if not who makes you happy?" And that is my #RealityCheck 

Seasons greetings checkmates!

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