Monday 23 April 2018

And on a Monday

Oh it feels good to be wanted...... and on a Monday!  Most people hate having to do anything constructive after the weekend whether it was epic or just a stay at home lazy and cheat on your diet kind of thing. Not me though. I love Mondays. That's when everyone else is in a bad mood and am just there taking in the real them *am the worst I know*.

I will quote my bestfriend seeing as tomorrow is her birthday...... ,"Don't ever be afraid of asking for what you really want". Only my bestfriend knows the real me. I am the selfless kind who robs herself to build others up. Am not too proud to ask for help but I just don't know how to ask.

Sometimes I don't want to blog. I just want to copy paste the character of an aquarius woman and call it a day. Most of the time am like what's the fucking need though *middle finger in the air* ✌.

You know how on social media you post something stupid hoping no one reads it and they end up surprising you. Today was that day. Part of me is cheering it on like stalk on sir while the inner shy me is slowly building up walls. Like what the actual fuck ..... you are scaring me. I overthink and over question everything. I talk myself into a situation and at the same time talk myself out of it. Anything to get you to give up.

Today I understood why after having waited for so long for the right man, anyone would settle for Mr making an effort. Unlike Mr right, this gentleman serves you a #RealityCheck..... He is there cracking jokes that Mr right should be in your head and making you feel all sorts of electrifying giddiness *goddamn it stop that* . You know how they say it's lonely at the top? It's lonely everywhere especially if your heart is still searching and knows what it wants is still very much so out there.

It feels good to be wanted and there is nothing wrong with a little attention rather encouragement along the way but focus on the prize ahead. That's my Get it!?

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