Tuesday 24 April 2018

When your mind is set to "explore"

It's hard saying no to your body when your mind is set to "explore". If only life was this simple. Where I would walk up to my "to do list" line of men and handle that shamelessly. The friends with benefits sounds amazing only that the lady always ends up hurt directly or indirectly.  Act like a lady, think like a man was a good movie but then again this is real life. How do you play a gentleman in a man's world isn't that setting yourself up for not just failure bur epic failure?

Being a lady is hard. Having to walk away from something you want at that particular moment shows how self disciplined one is. Ask any woman. Sometimes you want to be normal but deep down its a struggle coz the only normal thing about you is your humility. A woman with high standards is her own biggest challenge.

Horacio Jones says," I like being alone. I have control over my own shit. Therefore, in order to win me over, your presence has to feel better than my solitude. You're not competing with another person,  you are competing with my comfort zones." I may come off boring judging by the way I choose to present myself to you but if you can assure my comfort zone that my dignity will still be intact by the time you get to know the real me perhaps am everything you have been praying for.

See not all that glitters is gold. Only few land the real deal simply because pressure creates diamonds.  Fire refines gold. Let me just serve you that simple #RealityCheck checkmates.

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