Tuesday 12 November 2019

I hit a dead end

I don't know how many people will relate to this blog but this much I am sure, I must share my truth as it is everything inclusive of what I have to offer.

This happened to me the other day and I must admit it scared me. For a minute I had to calm myself down and play back everything I have done and every decision I have ever made to confirm if I am still a good person.

Have you ever been desperate? That day, I hit a dead end.

There are two types of people as I have come to understand. Those who rely on help and those who do it themselves. When you are used to having others say put in a good word for you or make that call on your behalf, that doesn't make you a bad person. Perhaps and please don't get me wrong, you don't have that push in you to do it yourself to begin with but that doesn't mean you don't have it in you to turn things magical.

The other kind of people who for some weird reason freak me out , is my kind. The ones who wake up and do it with no expectations but determination to just try. Have you ever met someone who is so confidently wrong yet they are right? You always find such people smiling.

We all have the same intentions so I have discovered. It's how you go about it that makes you stand out! My point of desperation is this. When you are created to allowing help it makes it hard to step out and do it yourself and when you are created to go get it, it makes it hard to accept help. The day any of the these two will try and do the opposite it will leave your nervous system confused and afraid.

Take it from me, you will fail miserably at it.

If you are going to step out or accept help, you must be willing to put in more time than once. Is it worth it? Do you have such luxury of time to do it?

I don't know about you, but I will continue to scare myself. How often do I scare myself you might ask? All the time *laughing sheepishly* . That's how I started this blog in the first place.

So do it especially if it scares you, because you will give your absolute best when fear is involved.  Let that be your #RealityCheck

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