Saturday 9 May 2020

Do Not take too much time....

So much anger, hatred and bitterness overwhelming many lives. You have every right to be angry, disappointed and frustrated. You don’t expect others to feel or understand you by walking around bitter and hatred. Take time off and allow yourself to grieve. Let it all out. DO NOT TAKE TOO MUCH TIME BURIED IN SORROW. It will just rob you of time and what’s left of your life. When faced with sadness or loss, sometimes we find ourselves throwing away the good times and memories it brought with it.

The many missed opportunities to make the best of the worst. Rediscover yourself. Stop observing others and start living life intentionally for yourself. If no one reports their life to you every morning, why are you giving them the benefit of a doubt with yours? Take a month off. Better yet two. Okay fine, take half the year off. Now, hear me out. Come December 31st 2020, what will you tell your hopeful self? Do you think it’s fair you keep postponing your own happiness by allowing setbacks hold you back?

You have really convinced yourself that life hates you that much that’s why you never seem to catch a break. See you can’t feed yourself negativity and expect positivity in return. How would you know it if you keep blocking generosity with anger, peace with hatred. Goodness aren’t you tired of being tired all the time from years of self carried burdens? It’s like trying to fill a broken vase with water. The only thing that little water will attract is dust & afew mosquitoes. What’s attractive about that?

There was more to life before your anger and there will be more to life after. The constant words here being THERE and MORE TO LIFE. Only one thing standing in their way, you. Don’t be so consumed with the present least you forget the past. Again there is yet still more to come. People will outgrow you eventually. God won’t. People will give up on you, God hasn’t. He knows how to speak your language fluently that’s why only you understand your own pain well enough. It’s never the end until you have fulfilled your purpose.

Unless you start focusing on your own wins, you will always compare your life to others. Competing with others won’t prompt your success. The world is already hungry so don’t allow it to swallow you alive by hiding behind fear, hatred and bitterness. Do your best and leave the rest to God. Sometimes God takes too long. No that’s you wanting God to direct your life according to your timing. Where are you going in a hurry? Everyone else is on planet Earth. I mean this literally, “Come back to Earth”. Someone needs you.

You are someone’s #RealityCheck. So much for my #MagazineThoughts

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