Saturday 9 May 2020

R-E-A-L-L-Y take it in

Everyone is in their own world right now. Uncertainty everywhere. Luxury is good but personally with unpredictability hovering those cars keys won’t laugh back at my silly jokes. Tomorrow is the new unknown future so all I ask is a little intervention from hope and love. I feel desperation kicking in. That’s when I need my sanity the most. To silence the now mentality. Or perhaps that’s the fighting spirit in me letting me know I still have some fight left in me. Don’t give up! Don’t give in! Silence the world outside and listen to inner peace.

Those lucky enough to have someone by their side during this pandemic to hold, embrace and assure them that everything is going to be alright, don’t take it for granted. Appreciate every kind gesture you get and return it back . Nothing is guaranteed . The solo ladies and gentlemen out there, I call you brave. Those strong enough to not use this pandemic to fall back into all habits,I celebrate you all. Keep going. Focus all that energy on achieving the impossible in trying times. You are remarkable. It will pay off eventually.

Last but not least there is me. I don’t know how I do it. It’s who I am purposed to be. Inspirational yet pretty messed up. Everyone who has experienced a blow in life knows that staying down only helps you strategize and come back strongest.

You know how we all joke and say welcome to the rest of your life? Baibèé this is it. This is the beginning of the rest of our lives. Some will be in denial and search for what was. Others will be stuck in what is. The rest will merge forward and never look back.

So, anything you have been uncertain of, that relationship, job or lifestyle, it’s all about to change. Lack has a way of showing us what truly matters. Spending time with someone/something gives you insight of who/what they really are. Ain’t it funny how things work themselves?

All in all, not all is lost. There is so much left. We were just swamped with getting ahead in life we forget to live. What is the significance of slow motion? There is something in life that requires our undivided attention. For us to R-E-A-L-L-Y take it all in.

Those are my #MagazineThoughts turned to a #RealityCheck

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