Wednesday 22 September 2021

twist of sarcasm and eye contact smirk

There are people who will not recognize you when God is done with you. That’s okay baibèé because they only “want you” how they can associate you by and not who you truly are capable of ever becoming. That’s neither on them nor you. It’s just how it’s meant to be 💯.

Now this is where it gets tricky. When they try and talk down on your progress. At first you will be tempted to slap the taste right out their mouth. I will always keep it brutal with you. Honesty is the sweetest when spoken with a little twist of sarcasm and eye contact smirk 😏.

Understand they don’t know what is going on with you. They haven’t been there for you so how would they know? How do you expect them to? If anyone tries to “correct” what God is doing in your life, that’s a sign sweetheart. They aren’t meant to be in your life at all.

If someone tries to “explain” your blessings like you don’t look the way you used to when in actual sense you are looking your absolute best, smile my darling. That’s how good God got you looking. That is God for you. He will get them wondering of how fast that took for you #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Monday 20 September 2021

who does it for you never STOPS

The worst kind of betrayal in my own humble opinion is when physically you get what you have always wanted yet mentally your soul is elsewhere. That is headed for disaster. Eventually, the real you will come out and that is when everything changes #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Your sleeping next to them yet your heart beats for another. Constantly stalking their socials and smiling to yourself. It’s so wrong you don’t even care anymore. They are your fix. Seeing them changes your mood. You share the same frequency and at first it helped spice up your relationship. 

It was fun because your current spouse liked it and it boosted your ego but like any other junkie out there you always want more and MORE. You were careful but now you are reckless you hardly even care if they stay or leave as long as who does it for you never STOPS.

Those are not cracks baibèé, that’s a hole. Don’t ever underestimate the power of the heart. No distance or silence is great or loud enough to shut an already awakened soul. It will always find its way home. Time had you fooled but when it sets its mind up, no one can drag it.

The further away you are, the closer your hearts become. At some point people will walk out of your life because they realize that all this while they had you but they never had the one thing you openly offer someone else. That soul connection between two hearts beating as one ❤️

Tuesday 14 September 2021


I am my own #MondayMotivaton with my podcast the episode I did on #KnowYourCrowd see the old me would have tolerated alot of bullshit thrown my way. Just as you are living your life elsewhere is the same way I have been enjoying mine. Life didn’t stop. If anything it took off 🛫

I need men to understand this. Just because you didn’t see the value in investing your time in me doesn’t mean God has been silent in my life. I will be honest, I was sad at first but now I embrace that you not caring was a blessing in disguise. You made the BEST DECISION 💯.

You have never had it in you to ever worry about me that’s why it was easy to leave in the first place. I have never done it for you like that that’s why someone else did it for you. It wasn’t a matter of having to choose. I was never in the equation to begin with. Nasty but true

Now here is my truth. Something in me liked you and that’s why I gave you my phone number. I love communication. If we can’t communicate, I don’t see the need of wasting your soul because I will come off as if am imposing myself on you which I will never do. I give and take chances.

So when you send a text years later asking me to remember you, I will remember what you did. The chance you never took. How easy it was for you. How our lives have moved on without each other. Perhaps I craved that hi then but after knowing my crowd, I suddenly miss your silence.

No bad blood. 

To anyone else out there with my number and perhaps it’s taking tough and rough life lessons to now “reconsider” reaching out, kindly delete it. Don’t waste your FREE WhatsApp messages or 1-5 shillings worth sms. I now know my crowd #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Friday 3 September 2021

That’s when you know.

I have become extremely emotional. Now I understand why people I admire from afar usually tears up especially when good things happen for them. When all you have had to do was endure and put on brave faces when your world was falling apart, the joy that comes with redemption can’t be hidden 💯

The hardest part in life is teaching yourself to stay when every ounce is determined to leave. When those walls finally come crumbling down. Instead of being closed off, you finally use your words to ask and speak your truth with a smile on your face. 

That’s when you know.

God has allowed and shown me, that indeed now am ready #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé