Tuesday 14 September 2021


I am my own #MondayMotivaton with my podcast the episode I did on #KnowYourCrowd see the old me would have tolerated alot of bullshit thrown my way. Just as you are living your life elsewhere is the same way I have been enjoying mine. Life didn’t stop. If anything it took off 🛫

I need men to understand this. Just because you didn’t see the value in investing your time in me doesn’t mean God has been silent in my life. I will be honest, I was sad at first but now I embrace that you not caring was a blessing in disguise. You made the BEST DECISION 💯.

You have never had it in you to ever worry about me that’s why it was easy to leave in the first place. I have never done it for you like that that’s why someone else did it for you. It wasn’t a matter of having to choose. I was never in the equation to begin with. Nasty but true

Now here is my truth. Something in me liked you and that’s why I gave you my phone number. I love communication. If we can’t communicate, I don’t see the need of wasting your soul because I will come off as if am imposing myself on you which I will never do. I give and take chances.

So when you send a text years later asking me to remember you, I will remember what you did. The chance you never took. How easy it was for you. How our lives have moved on without each other. Perhaps I craved that hi then but after knowing my crowd, I suddenly miss your silence.

No bad blood. 

To anyone else out there with my number and perhaps it’s taking tough and rough life lessons to now “reconsider” reaching out, kindly delete it. Don’t waste your FREE WhatsApp messages or 1-5 shillings worth sms. I now know my crowd #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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