Monday 20 September 2021

who does it for you never STOPS

The worst kind of betrayal in my own humble opinion is when physically you get what you have always wanted yet mentally your soul is elsewhere. That is headed for disaster. Eventually, the real you will come out and that is when everything changes #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Your sleeping next to them yet your heart beats for another. Constantly stalking their socials and smiling to yourself. It’s so wrong you don’t even care anymore. They are your fix. Seeing them changes your mood. You share the same frequency and at first it helped spice up your relationship. 

It was fun because your current spouse liked it and it boosted your ego but like any other junkie out there you always want more and MORE. You were careful but now you are reckless you hardly even care if they stay or leave as long as who does it for you never STOPS.

Those are not cracks baibèé, that’s a hole. Don’t ever underestimate the power of the heart. No distance or silence is great or loud enough to shut an already awakened soul. It will always find its way home. Time had you fooled but when it sets its mind up, no one can drag it.

The further away you are, the closer your hearts become. At some point people will walk out of your life because they realize that all this while they had you but they never had the one thing you openly offer someone else. That soul connection between two hearts beating as one ❤️

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