Monday 11 October 2021

No one is judging lol πŸ˜‚

Am in a very good mood. It’s Saturday night. The loneliness has started to creep in and familiar habits are starting to arrive to your pity party. Let’s walk down memory lane. Right before you make that late phone call for a quick chat or entertainment for those desperate enough only tonight you have embraced your truth. It’s not a mistake but you have this arrangement. The silence of the night is not helping. You need action. You figure you have been good for a while but tonight you could sure use some company. Free or paid for. 

No one is judging lol πŸ˜‚

Before “they” arrive, let’s go back to when you were really inlove. Not now when you have to keep convincing yourself you made the right choice but that one lady/gentleman you had it bad for. They were your world. Everything was about and around them. Until you broke up. Oh yeah!

When was the last time you looked someone deep in their eyes and told them that you were inlove with them. Your body doing the most shaking with excitement, anticipation and a little fear of them not saying it back or feeling the same way? I will go first ladies and gentlemen, I haven’t said it in a while. There is difference between loving someone and being inlove with someone. How about you? Anyway, back to the past. You recall the person whose opinion mattered the most? You felt and told yourself they understood you in ways no one else did. So you loved unselfishly. You gave all you could and even went further and offered more. You felt it was your obligation to be faithful, loyal and be their biggest fan if not source of inspiration. Forget how things ended between the two of you and allow me to ask you this, “Looking back at your love with the ups and downs, do you think life would have been different if the two of you ended up together?” I loved him but not enough to see a future with him. That’s the thing with love, when you have given all you can, the next thing that follows is walking out.

Looking back, there was nothing else left to do. Perhaps having invested years of knowing each other we should still be friends but sometimes certain ends are for the best. They don’t make sense then but now looking back, you do it with gratitude and humility. It was necessary.

I just thought I would share that. You can go back to your usual routine. For those of you who don’t like labels lol πŸ˜‚ hook up. If you ever bump into your past and you don’t turn to see if they are checking you out, you are completely over them #LetsFallInLove Let’s πŸ’œ baibèé

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