Friday 20 February 2015

Inspired by Brown Sugar

See my version of brown sugar has nothing to do with hip-hop although there is music involved but not that kind. One of my not so secret blog readers was on my case for not blogging. Well, to be honest I have two reasons. The real one being I just had to deal with my demons. I wanted nothing to do with this kind of thing because I felt as though I was a two face byach. I mean one thing but always act out the opposite. The other excuse would be I was looking for inspiration. Which is a total lie. I was watching days fly by without a care in the world hoping that in due time I would eventually forget this blog. 

After watching Just Wright the movie yes this is the sixth time I have re-watched it. Definitely not the last. Someone one's told me well 'they' stopped being apart of my life that am Lesly Wright the character that Queen Latifah plays. Like no offense she is beautiful in her own unique way but I aint nothing like her. I took offense until I re-watched it over again and 'someone' explained that am always the good girl and that good girls always finish last. That 'someone' alleged that the Morgan character is what most men go for. I can't be mad at that because somehow it is true. I have done my research and men are physical beings. But I also came to understand that when a man likes you the way you look ladies is the least of his worries. He overlooks the 'trophy' and goes for what he wants. 

There is nothing young about me except for my heart. I always refer to myself as an old soul. Back when music was music and people hooked up for all the right reasons.The worst mistake any human being is settle down with someone else just because they are available or fit in your world (everyone else expects you to settle with them or like them already but deep down you know the truth). Most of the relationships I have witnessed are out of comfort, safe and tolerance. Just because he/she was there when you had nothing growing up doesn't necessarily mean they are the right ones for you. That right there is love and a little bit of gratitude but not real love you know the kind that when he walks into a room you have butterflies, when he is mad at you nothing else matters than putting a smile on his face, if a day passes without having talked to him about the little silly things you feel like no one else understands you ,when you see or hear something he is all you think about or wish he was around to share the moment with him.

I see it but I don't think everyone else see's it. But when you are running your own race in life don't expect people to applaud leave alone support it.The minute you understand that it is not your job to try and convince them but rather show them is when you will truly be happy if not be at peace with yourself. This year know the things to prioritize and which ones to brush off.If no one comes to you for your opinion then why do you keep worrying about what others might say or think? Don't you think you are being a little too hard on yourself? If you are going to take risks this year ensure that the consequences are worth it.  What I mean is if you can look back at the experience and smile knowing you learnt, made a difference and you would do it all over again then go ahead. Don't make excuses that people are holding you back when in real sense you are the one always talking yourself out of taking a chance on life, love and whatever else is out there.

The secret in knowing if you are in the right place or relationship is simple. If you find yourself begging or forcing things to play out in real life as you imagined in your mind then you need to wake up before you miss the sanity bus.He/she will never see you more than they already see you. If 'they' are themselves with you and you can talk about anything and everything then I don't know why are you reading this when you should be making your way to 'them'

This year forget what everyone expects and forget the fact that you are afraid of the unknown. What makes you happy?If you can answer that with a straight face from deep within, then screw it keep doing whatever you do because it is working but if you feel like somehow inbetween the kisses and deep breaths you can help but feel the cold breeze do the honorable thing and go be happy.

A toast ladies and gentleman to my and your version of Brown Sugar.

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