Monday 20 April 2015


Go in each new week with a new perspective. If it hasn’t worked out you know that grand plan that you have been working on, don’t stress yourself. Do something else which is in the same line. Don’t be too hard on yourself because at times we tend to do that especially when things don’t go as we had hoped for. If it works out well and good but if not let it go, work on a new dream. 

Promise yourself to give it your all and if it doesn’t pay off atleast you tried so don’t feel as though you are quitting on what you wanted. It will work out all on its on the minute you let it be. I believe that is what we all need a break from I have to get it to you know what, I gave it my best shot.

There is a difference between giving up and finding another way to getting or rather achieving the desired results. Just because A is the first letter in the alphabet doesn’t necessarily mean it always has to play out. Don’t be like everyone else, be unique. To be a legend you have to be outstanding. Going about things in your life in the ‘A’ angle will only get you ‘A’verage results.

So for now this week I urge you to allow things align themselves. It is amazing how things work out when you do nothing at all.

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