Sunday 12 April 2015

My Sunday Thought

Sustaining faith is when God takes you through the fire but makes you fire proof burning out the barriers holding you back....sometimes God will not remove the obstacles coz he wants to magnify himself through you like Daniel you will be dragged down in the lions den to prove a point to your enemies that he is Jehovah & in control....get your faith back

The hardest thing is being told to hold on when you have every right to let go wait when you just want to move hope when all is pray when you want to scream it strong when you really just want to break down.....yet somehow underneath it all you find the courage to pick yourself up,fix the pieces together& use the portrait as motivation to fight harder than before & when the time is right you find yourself better, stronger,happier then you know its time to get rid of the portrait...not because you are tired of the constant reminder of what did not work out but coz you simply learnt & no longer need to take the past with you....change is scary but definitely better than before so in away its a good thing

Dear God,please break me until all my pride & ego don't get the best of me when the time comes for you to bless me generously...least I forget my past & where I came from allowing the immediate go to my head that am better than everyone else while in real sense am a nobody.Grant me friends who will snap if not slap me me back to reality the minute I change my ridiculously awesome personality & character to become someone I always detested ever since childhood.Send me angels to watch over me & may your right hand never cease to guide me & correct me whenever I stray or the world overwhelms me.I pray that everytime I fall that I may land on my knees where I can praise you in my moments of pain, anger & desperation for you to replace them with love, understanding & peace.This I humbly ask in you holy name,Amen.

There is always something to be thankful for even in the midst of pain,fear and tears.

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