Sunday 6 November 2016

My love letter or is it?

My dearest Love,
I know it is unusual for a lady to write a letter leave alone a love note to a man in this day and age but when you meet me you will understand that there is nothing usual about me. I am not alone ...oh no am in excellent company but I just had to leave everyone and everything to come write you a love letter.

I have seen you but we haven't met officially yet. When we do, I will know without a doubt that it is you. Perhaps wherever you are life and facts have convinced you that you are happy. But deep in my heart and in mind, I tell myself that you are far from being close to happiness. Not to get my words twisted but it is never a new year until you have celebrated Christmas. Baby I am the ultimate gift. I am a handful so am guessing you are the sober one. You take yourself way too seriously *chuckles* .

I miss everything about you. I am jealous that wherever you are you get to laugh and that I am not the one making you laugh. I want to learn everything there is to learn about you. Your embarrassing moments , your first kiss, who broke your heart, the times you went broke , your first job and how you were underpaid *how dare they humiliate you* 😂😆 

Did I say this was a love letter or I miss you long note. I was just checking up on you.By now am sure you are used to me and this happens to be my #RealityCheck

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