Thursday 7 December 2017

On my way....

Men are selfish. On my way home this uber driver decides to have a therapeutic session with me. He already lays down the rules. Young lady I don't know you but am going to need you to be quiet and listen to me. Being the ultimate Aquarius lady, I feel cornered and very uneasy. Should I cancel this trip or report him? Why did I suggest this route though?

I am in a shitty marriage. He finally discloses. That is all he has to about his wife. So it has come to this? It is how he says it that makes me momentarily laugh but then his voice calms down and in almost a whisper he confesses but there is this lady. She is a ray of hope. I could tell because he slowed down and smiled when he talked about her. She is a doctor. I love doctors  and intelligent ladies he openly admits. He is very specific with the words he uses regarding this lady. So I assume this selfish prick is cheating rather than making it work in his shitty marriage. She has a boyfriend and he has a baby mama. This is sheer madness. The question I am dying to ask is if he knows his wife is cheating on him as well but having referred to what they have as shitty he would care less. So the therapist in me shuts my curious mouth and opt to listen instead.

I have another girlfriend in the States. At this point am judging him and wondering of how many men like him exist. It's dark in the car but I could almost swear I saw him blush. I ignored my current girlfriend for her. We took romantic pictures together. So they slept together I assumed. She promised to come back for me. You delusional man. I can't.  I refuse. Stop the car. This must be a test from God. I am in my late 40s but I am in a shitty marriage. When he repeated that a second time I almost slapped him. It takes two to tango so don't play victim. You are forty damn it get your shit together.

Am I crazy? That is an understatement I thought to myself. There was no sexual talk which I was looking out for so I gave him my honest opinion. That is when it hit me. We hear but we never listen as women when men tell us what they want.  He said. He told me. It has been two months and he is inlove with her. We talk. She listens to me.

This man and so many others out there are looking for female companionship. There are three types of women. The independent I don't need a man just donate your sperm and leave. The I would rather die in this than be labelled as single. The we will make this work get your shit together don't you dare bring me that bullshit and I run this house. Men are very selfish and women should ape that. In the words of my bestfriend don't be Miss Echo Chamber aka yes sir. You always agree and never question anything. Have an opinion no matter how dumb it is, say it.  If the two of you aren't bestfriends by now no matter how alien the freak in them violins your demons let it go.

Where there is friendship there is respect. A real man knows how to respect a woman, because he knows the feeling if someone would disrespect his mother. Miss Echo Chamber you have mastered and can predict that man but you don't know him well enough to be his friend to call him out on his bullshit. Real friends are not afraid to lose you. They always say the ugly truth out of love. They tell you what no one else is bold enough to say. A real friend serves you a #RealityCheck

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