Monday 4 December 2017

The Diary Of A Bitter Co-worker

Welcome to the real world where nothing is never as it seems. This has either happened or is about to happen to you. Now that you have graduated college or University next comes the mother of all troubles, work. Some are lucky enough to land their dreams jobs while the rest of us are blessed enough to discover another side of life we never knew existed.

The Boss
If it's a man he is the most envied man on the planet. The men openly kiss his ass after all that paycheck plus an additional bonus sounds pretty reasonable. He is the ideal dream man to all the women in the office. Even the tea girl wants to leave a lasting or should I say lusting impression. He is likeable. He has his life figured out after all that is why so many people would want to help him further his business. So many unnecessary employees if you ask me but hey am not judging. The sad reality is secretly they all hate him. No one can stand his "perfect life". Unfortunately they all know his dirty laundry because he is too trusting and never learns his lessons.

If it's a lady she is the ultimate bitch. I'm most cases the boss lady is either a single mother or just single.  You can't have it all the ladies in the office always echo when she walks by. If she is so amazing why won't any man marry her? She is tough and very demanding. Perfection and common sense is the least she requires from her employees. She is so rude and moody to the rest of the ladies because they feel threatened. To the gentlemen in the office, she is a goddess. They worship and adore the floor she steps on. No one knows her private life because she has no friends in the entire office. She is a one woman show.

The Queen /King
She is always in the Marketing Department. Lord knows what she markets along with everything else the company has to offer. She always make extra effort to stand out. Her dress code tells it all. Too short too tight. The gossip monger who has mastered her craft. She never shouts. She is friendly but cunning. These ladies are strikingly beautiful. Very well put together but are never fluent in speech. Pay attention. They always appear out of nowhere and are very tight with the boss. Listen, your guess is as good as mine. The boss has either smashed that or his close friend. They share the same dark private habits. She can do no wrong in his eyes so ladies against her you might as well go back to your village. 

The king of Marketing is very smart. He is charming and gets along with everyone even the boss lady. He takes his work very seriously so the most he can do is flirt with his female workmates but nothing more. He choose his words and seals it with an impressive presentation. He has his eyes on the goal .... to striking big in life. He can be anything you want him to be as long as it doesn't affect his work ethics. He is committed to his job. 

The Technical Team
The hacker of the company in most cases is a man. Work ethics for who? This man dances to his own tune as far as the rest of the employee's go. To the boss he is employee of the year. He knows all the loopholes and sometimes works smart to achieve the desired goals. He never indulges in office talk but knows personal details of everyone in the office. His dream wife is the boss lady. He loves power especially taking it away. He is all man as he believes. He has slept with almost every single lady in the office. Everything is a puzzle to this man.

The lady feels empowered. Being a lady in the technical department strokes her ego. She feels entitled, superior and important. The truth of the matter is, she is lazy and is always being covered by her male workmates. She is still delusional from all the days in campus in the midst of boys. She is a walking hoax. Predictable and very lazy.

The Accountant
Who? The never in a hurry type! Things only get done if you really insist or throw in an extra reward. You either trust them or you don't.  They will either deliver or not.

The Receptionist/Front Office 
This is the first person you see when you walk in any organisation. Depending on her mood she will either make you sit there deliberately just to prove to herself she can or attend to you like a  desperate mistress. Again, they dress and look the part but never deliver. She loves office gossip and anything personal makes you come off as a hero to her. She is the snitch of the office. Unfortunately this is it for them. They are pathological liars. They want to be everyone as they have identity issues.

The Human Resource
Halo Satan. The most feared yet hated people on the face of business. They think they run the company or so the rest of the employee's claim. They are never introduced or addressed by their names but rather their position to give a heads up to the commoner. They are their own friends.

And that is my #RealityCheck checkmates. Pleasant night.

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