Thursday 4 January 2018

.........desperately Lost

2017 was everything I never expected yet everything I needed to be here right in this very moment. Thankful for the disappointments which led to better appointments. I made it through it all because my father in heaven ensured his  grace, love and mercies were sufficient for me.

You were everything I was praying, hoping and believing for so much so that I was scared to admit it out loud.My darling eyes we have witnessed bullshit, self sabotage & that was God moments. My honest mouth strangely you kept it together. My love, my pure heart you kept the faith.

I achieved everything I put my mind to with prayers, patience and good friends. The year was so beautiful that I never wanted it to end. At the very end that is when it hit me and I realised the enchanting truth. I give my all because that is what I expect in return though I never I ask for it because I assume it is obvious. When good things are not reciprocated I pull away. Small details and things excite me and like I found out not everyone else. Everything is not for everyone. I value family and friendship so I assumed everyone else did.

If you don't share the same values that doesn't make either of us less or better than the other but  still, stand your ground. 2017 was an eye opener for me. I finally watched vlogs and followed people who are quite influential on the gram (Instagram) and it's always good to see what else is out there. I even went audio live and I am glad that curiosity is behind me. I was shocked to learn that majority of people on social media are materialistic in a greedy and negative way. People don't care about you rather what you are all about. Where you wine and dine, designer clothes, bags, shoes , perfumes, the business and first class life on a plane life, it vacations , ideal body and hair , phone experiences. Still think am lying, post a picture of yourself and a loved one and two hours later that of you clubbing or on vacation and see which one gets more likes and comments. Now post an inspirational quote and that of your man/woman crush. Need I say more?  

I put to test something someone told me and it turns out she was right. If you were not who you are today say a broke unappealing version of you, would the same people still like you rather want to be associated with you? Exposing you as desperately lost the right ones would right? Those are who I am all about this year. I am taking down anything and everything which would make me attractive on social media and replacing it with what makes me enchantingly myself. Anyone not willing to make an effort to understand why I say and do half the bull I pull will be cut off immediately unapologetically. It's life or in most cases the #RealityCheck but this year it's my #EnchantingTruth

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