Wednesday 29 November 2017

Family Reality Check

Family is family regardless of whether you all get along or secretly just want to beat the living foolishness out of them. I am being honest as always.

The first born. The first great love bond of marriage. The expectations and standards set for this child to some extreme is unnecessary. For Christ's sake let this child be a normal kid. They set the pace for not only the ones who follow but if you are keen as I have been is forced to live or achieve what the parents didn't. In the end this child ends up sacrificing his/her life and take on responsibilities that sometimes are far out of their reach.

The second born.  In most cases they hardly ever speak their minds but when they do, oh everyone listens. They are rebellious and rude though they camouflage as being shy. They are in the own world but they notice everything yet say nothing.

The Third, Forth , Fifth and everyone else inbetween . The over achievers. They want it all especially the good but not so much the bad. They sometimes don't know how to get back up and would give anything to trade in the bad with the good.  It's all about the titles, degrees and the best careers. They take life way too seriously it's honestly annoying sometimes.

The last born. They are often misunderstood because no one expects anything from them which is not true. Stubborn as hell but they are the glue of the family. The one everyone else undermines yet has amazing and sound ideas but since they are the babies of the family, what do they know? They are the punching bag when everyone else is having a bad day. They are the ones who secretly fight your battles both physically and spiritually. They take care of everyone else in ways money can't buy like remembering your birthdays, loyal above and beyond even when the beef is long forgotten * for life* , family clowns ....anything to get you laughing again , babysitting. They stay when everyone else leaves.

Family is a puzzle. Everyone has a role to play. Having said that, don't allow your position/role define you. Now here comes the real talk ....Stop painting false pictures of how your family is yet it's the opposite. I would care less if you were raised in a cave or palace ...You were a miscourage away but child you survived. You have made it. Don't sell yourself short. The world has so much to offer each passing day. Don't break a hip or sell a rib *is it even necessary surely* trying to keep up with appearances. It's a process. What one thing means to you means absolutely nothing and everything to someone else. All that matters at the end of the day is that someone can actually vouch that you a good person. 

Enough of trying to fit in and let's start from the family unit. Are you a decent human being ? Do you want to be a better son/daughter/brother/sister/friend? Start by forgiving yourself for neglecting the one person who has been there through the highs and lows .... YOU! Time to put yourself first. You know yourself better than what others see or assume they do. Screw it and screw them. They would and will be very fortunate to have you in their lives. Time to switch them off and switch yourself back on. And that's my #RealityCheck

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