Wednesday 4 September 2019

What do you want to DO?

I don't get to choose when I want to blog because it is who I am. Why did I start blogging? Do you want the raw truth or polished version of it? I got fed up of watching and having mediocre applauded and accepted as the truth. That is the polished part of it. The raw truth is that I got tired of having so much to say and not sharing it with like minded people in the hope of changing the norm to spectacular.

I owe it to my parents for having sacrificed so much of themselves not for me to obtain, attain and maintain a certain level of power where am untouchable but be so touchable by obtaining,  attaining and maintaining the integrity of not only knowing and doing better but also becoming better. We all serve a merciful and gracious God. Notice how we are blessed differently because we each own unique gifts.

Let us not judge one another based on our up bringing. Some of you got a head start in life and it is not your fault while the rest of us had a late start which again is not our fault. What matters is that we are all here now. What are you bringing to the table?  I will use myself as an example. There are certain situations I am faced with sometimes and I think to myself like am I really ready? I look back at old lessons and I laugh at myself hard and out loud. If my old mentality could tackle this now, man I would be screwed if not sued.

There are certain places where only God can take you. Sure you know someone but the thing with us human beings is that we always want recognition. Directly and indirectly. Everyone is out there to get theirs. Again, there is nothing wrong with that but if others will question your motives and intentions that is where you have a quick board meeting with yourself and be like , the idea was cute but the execution will only bite you in your aśś. Stop! Come on, stop it!!!

I had set myself back because where God is taking me I didn't agree with out of fear. I am not eloquent enough. I don't look a certain way. I don't have it like that. Excuses. The villager in me was so afraid of succeeding because I had found comfort in lacking and failing. This is not for me. It's for a certain club. I was such a fool. At one point in life dear reader am certain you have used one of the above excuses or even worse to eliminate yourself from achieving desired goals.

We are so afraid of sharing our failures and achievements because we assume that others will not understand. This is my personal take on that others bullshit unless I know your story and I can actually say your name, to me , you don't exist. Unless your name is God please, don't waste my time because you can neither the sun nor the moon.Child, you are not the sky high above. Unless you are selling lives.....well, are you? So your human as well? Am merely stating facts!

I share this and more to come because growing up writing gave me an escape and empowered me. I dreamt more and imagined the world for myself. This is not for everyone but for someone somewhere who needed a reminder of what used to be, is and yet to come. You are not crazy nor alone in thinking there is a better life out there for you. If you are brave enough to believe it, then it exists. Don't give up on yourself. Don't beat yourself down. No more don'ts.  It's time for a new do.

So, what do you want to DO? 

That's a perfect #RealityCheck

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