Wednesday 24 June 2020

Am not smart, Am wise

I stopped hanging out and availing myself to people who don’t see me the way God sees me. I am very protective of myself and who I am. Not many get the privilege of me calling you my friend. There are certain roles I take very seriously in life. Being someone’s friend is COSTLY.

Having meaningless conversations is something I avoid. Am a dreamer and sometimes a doer. I spend more time alone dreaming, imagining and envisioning. Am happiest alone just me and Google defying facts and feeding my mind with indescribable possibilities. Am creating my own facts. Calling you a friend is a priceless gift. If I ever say I don’t trust you it’s one of two things. I don’t know your story (why you act the way you do) or you have shown me why I shouldn’t trust you either directly or indirectly.

The one thing I pride myself in is respect. I will both respectfully walk in your life and gladly walk out. Am not an A student but I know how to read inbetween the lines. Am not smart, am wise. See if you have a story to tell, you have a hidden dream inbetween then & now. Wouldn’t be nice to just wake up one day & God brings you, a you. Imagine that. A you in another person. Someone who sees you the way you see yourself even when sometimes according to society there is nothing to see. Them seeing every possibility of you becoming bigger than your dreams. Them reminding you every now and then when doubt creeps in. Them praying with you. Them being angry at you when you stop believing. Have you ever had such a friend? Have you ever met such a person?

Everyone deserves this. Not everyone is that lucky. I got this line from a movie. Be careful how you treat people because you could be entertaining an angel. You are placed on this Earth to love and be loved. If you aren’t getting or giving one of the two, something is wrong.

For me to call you my friend it means I see that fight in you as well. You want it bad enough to wait for it and not be greedy. You have discipline and determination. You are focused yet a little crazy. It’s in you as it’s who you have always been even when you weren’t sure.

As I said it’s COSTLY. You must pay the price. It’s not something you buy into or out. All legends & the people I admire and look up to, have paid the price. They just didn’t have bad breaks but only had God left. It’s that much sweeter when it’s that bitter #MyMagazineThoughts

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