Wednesday 24 June 2020

I missed the mark

Certain chances and opportunities in life are like shooting stars. I spent so much time back then looking up for such stars that I missed out on how beautiful the sky is at night. I would try and figure out the mystery behind each zodiac I could think off that sometimes I would walk away disappointed.

I wished upon a shooting star twice.

I never got what I wanted. Now with each chance I get to look up, I just think of how beautiful Gods work really it. It’s like walking in an art gallery hoping to meet the owner yet walking away disappointed.

I missed the mark.

I have learnt from that.

Today, I focus on the artwork if not the masterpiece infront of me. Perhaps it took a minute or longer but the story behind that painting or poem is what I seek the most. There is a deeper hidden meaning. Not for me to try and figure it out but for me to observe and embrace my own flaws which make me beautiful altogether.

You learn to live inspired and use that to have the courage to chase your own dreams. It’s not for you to love the author or poet, it’s for you to fall inlove with your own special kind of madness or magic which makes you, YOU ✨

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