Monday 29 June 2020

Needy Men

I have gotten the go ahead from my bestfriend to blog on needy men. Where are my manners? Hi there. I go by Jess but you can call me Njeri. Clearly we are not familiar with each other “yet” so let’s keep it professional. Ignore the avi & pay attention to my words/ opinion below. I know what you are thinking 🤔 why would such a beauty waste her time on such things? If you think am here to waste your time, congratulations am sure I have exceeded your expectations. If you believe am here to make a difference, keep that smile broad and prolonged. Read on 👇

Needy men. Let’s get something out of the way here, a needy man is one with needs and not a man showing weakness in his character. Now that I have defined that, let me start off by letting you know what my bestfriend said about me regarding needy men. She is so hilarious . Am an Aquarius lady. I grew up a wanjakihii (tomboy) climbing trees and wrestling my brothers. I built cars, played  football & started doing my own laundry when I was 9-10 years to date. I am more focused on hard work as opposed to physical beauty. My bestfriend had this to say, “Jess, you can date a needy man because let’s face it, you are a man.” Like I said she is hilarious. God created me tough because He knew my purpose in life requires a tough human being to get the job done. I have sufficient grace to handle it .

Am a destiny helper. That is one of the many gifts I have been humbly blessed with. The people I have had encounters with had one thing in common, fragile souls. They are so giving of themselves, they hardly ever make it about themselves. That’s where God positions me.

Needy gentlemen and ladies have fragile souls. They are so delicate to a fault that if in the wrong hands, they will never blossom to their fullest. There is who you are, who people know you to be and the hidden potential in all of us. Why do you think love is the greatest gift? Why do you think there are soulmates? It’s that soul to soul connection that which can only exist when two hearts beat as one. The same way a mother knows her child is not okay is the same way a man/ lady is supposed to figure it out that something is up with their spouse. Needy men are very special and not everyone gets them. They come off as work which excites me because I love working on mysteries. They come off as kind and generous to a point where most describe them as too nice. Thus nice guys finish last.

If you know you are needy in certain areas of your life, get with someone who is strong. Think of the times you are the most vulnerable. Then picture someone more needy expecting you to see them through such circumstances. That’s a disaster waiting to happen. Two broken hearts will always find reasons to try and fix what’s broken. Two capable hearts will always find a way to stay happy. Your job is to love and receive that love in return. The problem with trying to fix a person is entitlement. I fixed you so choose me. It’s pathetic. Sympathy won’t keep a man. It will certainly capture his attention the same way nudity does but let’s face it, life is not a play boy mansion. At some point, you will out grow it. Needy gentlemen and ladies, loved the right way can be hidden streams. Don’t allow the ground work fool you. Some are born needy while others become needy due to unavoidable circumstances. Being needy doesn’t make you less of a man or lady.

I guess that’s why am single. I don’t know how to ask as I was born and taught how to become self sufficient. Real life is not one big happy family where we all share hugs and kisses. It’s survival for the fittest. Am just working on my 50%. See I might not match you financially but perhaps all I have to give comes in emotionally. We all have something to offer you just have to know what you are bringing to the table. Remember, it takes two to tango #MyMagazineThoughts

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