Monday 26 July 2021

when he says,” you are mine”.

When you allow yourself to fall inlove again, be vulnerable enough to admit you not only need but long for this new touch,hold & embrace, your heart is at home again. Your soul is very much still and at peace. Let me just talk about finding new love. Love found itself back to me

The sudden outbursts that come with jealousy. You are secure in who you are and what you bring in this relationship and why they choose to pursue and be present in every moment with you yet they can’t seem to control themselves around you. It’s when he says,” you are mine”.

That’s when you know you are not in this alone. See you have been here before and it’s not like you haven’t heard those words before but this time coming from this different person and how he assures and affirms who he is in your life is what makes this experience special.

The level of intimacy he offers your entire body without touching it scares and excites you. One glance is enough to set your heart burning with sensations you thought never existed. He is your hero, your source of inspiration by just being alive and in your life.

Dear God, what did I do to deserve such a man? That’s the only question that runs through your mind. He just doesn’t look at you, baibèé he sees through your soul and that’s what he fell inlove with. The you that no one else wanted and took for granted. He still can’t believe his luck. You are the blessing he craved, desired and had been longing for. Everyone else thought he was wasting his time but he only did so when you weren’t in his life. In him loving you, he started appreciating life more. He wakes up each passing day wondering how he will love you

He understands what every other man inlove knows, the more you give, the more you get. He didn’t realize how broken and empty he was until you said “I love you” because something in him believed it.

So,be vulnerable and open for us to finally #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

It’s your turn and time

They didn’t love you then the way they claim to see you now. They say it’s an epiphany but I say it’s all part of their hypocrisy. God woke me up with bars this Sunday morning. People change. But even after you showed them your scars, all they served you was their back. It wasn’t their fault because honestly speaking they couldn’t handle your past. You took your time to learn and understand them. No one has even taken their time to see and understand you. So you hurt yourself by denying and hiding your gifts and the love locked up inside you. 

You figure why bother. 

You gave your all and still that wasn’t enough. It was enough because in loving them right, you were teaching yourself how to accept the right love. They just weren’t the people for the job. Never regret nor apologize for what you did and gave because it made you, you

We live in a shameless world where people act as if nothing happened. Sure they learned their lessons but they just don’t recall you were their greatest teacher. It took their silence for you to discover your voice. It took a block for you to find the light, a way and your path.

They feel owed as they should.They started this but now the tables have turned. It’s your turn and time. You were left with no choice but to move forward.Where they served you sadness you were offered happiness so it’s not intentional ignoring them #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜baibèé

Wednesday 14 July 2021

block your heart from loving and forgiving

I have been here before. I have had someone awaken excitement in me only to leave me putting out the fire and dealing with disappointment. He played his role perfectly, that I could have sworn it was a play on stage because he had everyone applauding, all except me.

I have laughed before. I have told myself it was God when in actuality, it was just another phase carrying with it another lesson. I giggled and laughed sheepishly like a silly little girl with gleaning smiles whispering endless chuckles not caring who was or wasn’t watching.

I have cried before. I have seen myself wipe a tear or two down my cheeks. I have broken down and wailed until my face was hot, mucus running down my itching nose, head throbbing with pain to having no more tears left having cried myself to sleep. I have woken up crying some more.

But I have never seen nor witnessed God forsaken His people. I have never heard of Him turning a blind ear or eye to injustice. Everytime we call, He answers. Sometimes the way we ask because it’s in alignment with His will and yet the many times He does it His way, we win more.

So tell me, dear soul, what makes you assume everything is over when He has just began with you. Why do you worry over situations and circumstances that were here long before your birth and will remain long after your death? Why do you block your heart from loving and forgiving?

I have never been here before. My heart has never loved the way it beats and yearns for me, you and us. My lips have never tasted such beautiful words from my mouth with so much warmth and kindness. It’s so much easier to fall inlove yet again than hate #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Tuesday 6 July 2021

That’s a blessing in disguise

When your face finally matches your heart 💜. It wasn’t easy. I got it wrong so many times that I thought I would never realize what God sees in me until this morning. I saw it. I saw myself in ways I longed for. Can I share with you some knowledge that just dawned on me? Alright

The secret is finding yourself.

I believe that’s why people are determined to not just bring you down but keep you down because as long as you lose your identity, you will never ask for what you want or walk away from situations that no longer serve you the right energy. Think about it. Misery loves company. As long as you never act or dream better than me, we good. We can hang out. As long as I am incharge and you need me, you are welcome with open arms in my circle. You are good people. Allow me to just laugh at this idiocracy.

That’s just taking advantage of vulnerability. That’s when need meets a dead end. Walls on walls. That’s just need camouflaged as desperation which allows you to settle or accept what looks like a way out. To me it is long-overdue gratitude. Everything has an expiry date baibèé.

It’s the people or situations that you underestimate the most that end up surprising you. They might not come in the usual package, I mean,why would they? They would lose their purpose. That’s their hidden beauty. They are the real game changers. I really do admire the men in the Bible because they had flaws and not only that but everytime they were thrown under, baibèé they ensured they won. This is just my opinion, don’t quote me but I bet God would smile and be like that’s why I choose these men to His angels. Represent!!! Moses was a stammerer but that sure didn’t stop God. Saul went from a certified cold hearted murderer to brother Paul, changing souls. Hey,*laughing sheepishly* that’s just God being God. Then there is my sweetheart David, sorry Boaz. If there was no Boaz, there would be no David #RealityCheck

All these amazing men were underestimated. So I say to all the ladies out there, he might not look the part but at no point should you ever underestimate his strengths. He is intentionally unappealing to keep everyone else uninterested. That’s a blessing in disguise. Run with it.

To all the men out there, he who finds a good wife finds a good thing. You are not to teach her how to be a wife as she comes with the hidden gifts. And obtains favor from The Lord. If you find well, there is a reward and if you get it wrong well, #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Sunday 4 July 2021

don’t get it and get you the way you get yourself

These basketball 🏀 lessons just keep getting better and deeper. When someone else makes it about others and not themselves, they automatically become very fascinating to me. I am drawn to such people. It makes me want to be more about them. This is who I have always been.

I laugh alot because am hilarious not because am lonely. I enjoy my own company. I am naturally funny and I giggle at my own jokes. If you have never taken time to date yourself and understand why you are who you are, you will always stay committed to get validation.

And when you meet someone amazing along the line and it doesn’t work out, you will be so mature about. You won’t be afraid to walk away from things and people you though you truly wanted. They simply don’t get it and get you the way you get yourself and it’s okay to walk away.

This season, be seen, heard and understood. Don’t just be and hang around hoping what you say, do or give is enough. Someone will speak your unspoken language fluently and they will confirm how differently special you are. Then and only then #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé