Tuesday 31 August 2021

who or what comes in my life

I am embracing my soft side. The one I always feel the need to protect not knowing it’s my hidden strength. I am better when I smile. For the longest time pain has been my motivation to keep fighting and write yet when am happy am vulnerable enough to allow inspiration and peace in.

Am an extremely needy lover. I know they say Aquarius ladies don’t show emotions which can be true but it’s because we never get enough reasons to let our guards down. No one is willing to take the time to understand you leave alone let you be you. So like a tortoise 🐢 we hide.

You know how they say when you are loved right, baibèé when you learn to love yourself right, no one can take that power away from you because it’s from deep within yourself. You remain to be happy with or without them. You still get to be you regardless and that’s important.

I believe that’s why people don’t want to try again or fall inlove again because it took a while to be “normal” again. You can’t dictate and say you will only give half of yourself. It doesn’t work like that. Atleast not for me. I don’t know about anyone else but I have ever gotten lost in someone else’s identity. You neglect yourself in going above and beyond for the other person.

 There is compromise then there is foolishness. 

I never want to lose who I am no matter who or what comes in my life. I still get to be me #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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