Monday 1 November 2021

You have always been it

I got this lesson from a gospel song. Sometimes God delays things on purpose to glorify himself. The story of Hannah, it’s not like He didn’t know her hearts desire yet it looked as if He didn’t because He allowed that delay over her life to grant her an extraordinary son.

Delay comes with compensation. He is not holding you back just to land you something you can easily obtained on your own. Oh? God is out here to show off. Another example is Moses. Am sure he felt somehow humiliated in his own flesh way considering he had a stutter.

Am looking at it from the human perspective where greater men perhaps rolled their eyes like are you guys sure God called Moses. I mean this man is flawed. Sometimes, we always look at things from this same sad point of view as we assume if it’s of God it should work IMMEDIATELY!

So do you complain or do you obey and continue with the same energy and attitude even in absence? Long story short, there is nothing wrong with you. You just need to get rid of that victim mentality. Everything is not against you. When is it going to be my turn you keep asking?

Any day now baibèé. Hey, chin up darling. Don’t wrinkle your face with worry.I know it hasn’t been easy watching others and having waited those many years. Can I assure you something though, what is yours will come surpass everything you have ever witnessed and seen with others.

When it’s your season, the fears of getting it too late will be an illusion because it will be at the right time. Some of these people you see out here have been living off and surviving on other peoples favor. You think you don’t have it? Sweetheart, you have always been it.

God has been waiting for you to figure it out. Who you are has and will always be enough. We are all created to handle our lives individually. God knows how to take care of His own. Don’t put your life on hold trying to help others live theirs. Don’t postpone yourself sweetheart.

Jesus was placed on this earth to die for mankind so it’s not your job to save others. Lend a hand where you can sure but sacrifice your God given soul to add more life to another? How? Don’t lie to your mind like that. Live baibèé live. Be unapologetically happy. Lol and love as loud and hard as you want. What do you want? What makes you happy? What gets you to that creative side that makes you unstoppable? What sets your heart on fire? What gets you giddy? When was the last time you lived a day without worrying about others or tomorrow? Think about it.

When did you start allowing worry become your center stage? What or who got you this afraid that you have been holding yourself back hiding and burying yourself with others problems and work? When did you start feeling sorry for yourself? What led to all this? You forgot yourself. That side of you is not attractive. Not cute at all so you need a make over. Ofcourse your not the same person you were before are you kidding me. Your body has changed so let’s start from there. What do you tell yourself everytime you admire yourself in the mirror? Positivity!!!

I know I said long story short which I lied. The same way you have been lying to yourself. You have dragged and prolonged things that don’t serve you life anymore. It’s dumping season. It’s not you it’s me, finally realizing I deserve better. It’s time to choose yourself again 💯

You are going to disappoint afew mosquitoes but if it brings you peace, go for it. Trust you me, the right people will always encourage you to pursue your happiness whatever it is. Get your sparks and life back.That’s #SundaySermon so #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé this November

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